Caffe Americano

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He watches her sleep so soundly, her chest falls in rhythm to his heart beat; he senses it and truly knows that this woman is the love of his life that he just wants to give her and Tristan everything.

He loves them without a doubt in his mind which is why it's nagging him, ever since Yi tan told him she was here... it's implanted in the back of his brain...

what in the world could Zi Wei want? She knows better than anyone that Dylan would never go back to her because if that's what he wanted... well he would have stayed and fought for her, or he would have gone back to Chengdu and win her over... he didn't though.. he never wanted to.

The thing is the moment that she betrayed him was the moment he broke himself off from her, and Moon well unknowingly she taught him how to actually love himself all over again, she's golden that woman, selfless and loving.

Tomorrow when they wake up he'll take Moon out for a bike ride and he'll tell her everything. everything about how his ex is here and how he doesn't know what she has planned but that he won't let her interfere in their lives, because it is their life.

Together... well together they'll face Zi Wei and make her understand that this is the woman he loves and that she isn't anyone nor will ever be anyone in his life anymore...

with those last thoughts he finally drifts himself to sleep in the comfort of the woman sleeping soundly on his chest


"mmmm breakfast.. have to... mmm" a sleepy voice sounds off and she turns over mumbling her daily to dos as she tends to often do when she has something important planned for that day, even in her sleep she works

The emptiness he feels as she turns over and the soft , sweet mumbles that radiate from her lips jerks Dylan awake and he wouldn't mind that her honeyed words would be the first thing he hears from now on, Damn he loves her he thinks to himself

Which is why he needs to let her sleep in a little, he begins to wonder if she even knows what it feels like to actually sleep a full 8 hours ever.. so he decides to go pick up breakfast and let her sleep in a little

"Hey sweetheart went out to pick up some breakfast for everyone sleep in a little be back in about an hour."

-Love Dyaln

he kisses her tenderly on her forehead " sleep some more my stubborn woman."

Corner Cafe it is Dylan thinks Healthy and hearty breakfast for everyone plus they'll cut the fruit in cute little shapes for Tristan, he'll like the dinosaur shape ones he assumes.. and as the line grows shorter before he can start ordering their to go breakfast his phone vibrates

-I know you miss me

" what the hell who is this?" Dylan stares at the unknown number

-Don't worry I miss you too, and our crazy, wild sex.. Remember when our neighbor Tina watched us fuck senseless and how much harder you gave it to me while I screamed your name out in our open balcony?

Damn how the hell did she get my number? Dylan thinks

-Don't ever reach out to me again, I know your in town now I suggest you get the hell out of here before I get the police involved

-Oh Fiesty, SEXY. Don't be mad baby

-Meet me at Kimzey's it's a cute little coffee shop I found here.. I Like it ya know? Thinking about probably staying for good ;)

ugh Dylan scoffs dumbfounded, what makes her think that she's even welcomed, he's really starting to get upset, not willing to play into her stupid game whatever it is, she always thought she could manipulate him and maybe she could before but Dylan's he's different now and there's no way he's ever falling for her games

He sets his phone back in his pant pocket

bzzz bzzz bzzzz

his phone steadily vibrates in his pocket

-Don't ignore me babe

-You know a couple days ago I met Tristan's teachers, They all loved the flowers his auntie Enigma gave them for being so kind to my dear, dear very loving nephew.

- Would be a dammed complete shame if one day he just disappeared, don't worry his auntie will take good care of him

-Toodles Love

Dylan's Bloods Boiling at this point, how dare she even say his little boy's name, she has no right, and he'll make sure this is the last and only time this happens

- On my way

The thing is she knew exactly what she was doing and what buttons to push and now all she has to do is wait for her masterpiece of a plan to unfold

If she can't have Dylan neither will the sweet, perfect Moon


"Oh babe, there you are, I got us a table over here" she smiles selfishly as she watches a fuming Dylan make his way to her

"Scalding hot caffe Americano, just like you like it" She reaches out to brush Dylan's hair out of his face casually as if she didn't just threaten his son

Dylan stops her hand mid way "Don't you fucking dare touch me Zi Wei"

"Look babe, you'll be begging to get me back together anyways, so I'll let you live this short lived fantasy but when you tire of a stiff, boring woman with a fucking kid who is clearly not yours you'll come running back to me" she scoffs

"Listen to me very carefully Zi Wei, don't you fucking dare say MY SON'S name, much less think about him or the woman I will spend the rest of my life with. You have the rest of the afternoon to get your things and get the hell out of Texas because you can 100% guarantee that I am putting a restraining order on you, so you cant come near me or my family ever again. Do you understand?" fire filled eyes full of anger, he makes himself clear to an astonished and surprised Zi Wei

She was sure she had him where she wanted but fucking clearly Dylan is not the man she thought she remembered or knew and just like that in the corner of her eye she sees Moon walking in and she knows this is her last chance.. the only thing that will break them up is having her believe this is her fiance

So when she sees her looking she leans in towards Dylan

"Fine you win but remember that... as she pretends to lean in to whisper she aims for his mouth and sloppily kisses a closed mouth Dylan

he briefly pushes her off " what the hell do you?" and enraged Dylan has no time to finish his sentence

"Dylan?" a brimmed teary eyes and shaky voice says behind him

"He's your fiance?"

tada!!! here is the second part Dylan's POV to what actually happened at the cafe right before Moon

He never kissed her back, Moon's POV and the angle they were in made it seem that way but clearly Dylan is pissed and not having any of Zi Wei's games

Really kind of coming close to an end about four to five chapters left but hope you guys enjoyed lmk your thoughts!

Also mood for this chapter is "crying over you" by Honne featuring RM


-Marie 🌻

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