December 12

11 1 0

It's amazing how fast something can change.

One second every things perfect then seconds later everything's falling apart.

Well my biggest question is how is that fair? How can my life go from perfect to hell?

And the answer everyone tells me is life isn't fair...

Well I don't believe that, I believe that life is fair in many ways, and what happened to me is not fair.


6:00 pm

So Basically my life is okay, I'm a normal 18 year old girl. I have 2 best friends, Elise and Sophia. Okay so long story short, Elise LOVES frat party's, so to make her happy me and Sophia go to them with her.

Don't get me wrong I love party's, just not to many, I'm still in high school. I still have to wake up at 6:00 am and be at school by 7:15. Also I have to fill my mother's "perfect expectations". To her if you dress trash, you are trash, so I don't own a single pair of sweat pants. It's really annoying having to be the perfect daughter. My parents are very wealthy but I don't like to use there money unless I absolutely need too, I love working for what I want.

Basically me and my mother are polar opposites. She wants me to be her perfect "human", everything about me needs to be "beautiful", my hair, my face, my body, my grades. It's very stressful.

Tonight we are going to a frat party at a college in Connecticut that I've never heard of. I wasn't planning on getting that drunk but being buzzed wouldn't kill.

"Liv what are you wearing"

" I don't know soph were leaving in 2 hours"

" I'm wearing jeans " Elsie screamed from the bathroom

" no one asked" Sophia yelled back with a laugh.

I raged through till I found my favorite maroon tank top and decided on that with dark jeans. I decided on no heals just i case I drank more that I planned.

By the time it was 7:50 I had my hair, makeup and i was dressed.

We lefties the house by 8:05 and the ride was only 20 minutes.

By 8:30 we were there all ready.



We've been here for nearly an hour and I much more drunk than I planned to be.

These college kids were insane, I don't think I've ever been around this many drugs. I'd never do drugs but drinking on the other hand...

Anyways my mom doesn't really care that I drink even though she wants me to be "perfect" she still wants me to have some type of freedom, and drinking was my freedom I guess.

" hey beautiful long time no see" I turned around to a familiar voice

No no no no. The room got really small and all memories I drank away tonight started to come back.

I was standing face to face with my ex boyfriend of 2 years. He was extremely abusive physically, mentally, and sexually. Last time I saw him was 2 months ago and when I ended it he beat the crap out of me in my basement and left me there. I almost died but my mom found me there I got rushed to the hospital.

"Uh hi jack.."

" I've missed seeing your beautiful face everyday. Haven't you miss me too?" He stepped closer.

" no get away from me" my voice was so shaky I could tell I was about cry

" c'mon baby I've changed"

" get away from me." I was holding back my tear but they were coming soon.

" don't talk to me like that Olivia." He grabbed ahold of my wrist with a tight grip. It hurt so bad the felling of him touching me and the memories, I was too drunk to do anything and I was getting really dizzy.

" I told you get off me please jack" I yelled, It amazed me how no one noticed.

" your coming home with me tonight" he smirked

" what? No I'm not"

" did that sound like a question? No. Your coming with me" his grip got tighter on my wrist.

I was starting to become a little more sober from all this fighting. His grip on me hurt, even though we were surrounded by at least 200 people no one seemed to notice.

I knew that if I went with him I would get physically or sexually hurt, but I couldn't do anything about it.

He started pulling me through the crowd.

" jack please"

" god damn it liv, no your coming home with me!" He said louder than he should have, catching the attention of a tall blonde boy.





It hit me // luke hemmingWhere stories live. Discover now