Mavin High

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I checked my alarm.
Shit. I'm gonna be late again.
I hurriedly jumped out of bed, attempting to move like flash—you know the guy who runs freaking fast? Yeah him.

But I guess I was faster in my head.

I tried to get ready for school as fast as I could. I zoomed out of my room...only to come back a few seconds later.

I must have forgotten something.
I always forget something.
I kept on searching the unkempt room— just with my eyes... because I was too lazy to start flipping clothes and picking up things I knew I didn't want to smell at that moment in time.

From afar I spotted my earpiece.
I knew I forgot something.
Quickly, I yanked it from the mountain of clothes on the chair, and zoomed out the front door.

I paced as I rode my bike— again attempting to be like flash... but it never worked out for me like him. On my attempt to reach school with a decent amount of lateness,

I almost killed two dogs and one strange looking chicken, but they're all okay... I hope.

Finally, I arrived school around 8:15 am.
I was late but not too late .
"Hah! Success" I hiss to myself as I jump off the bike and bolted into the school building.

After some few reluctance's to open the class door, I finally conjured up the courage to do so.

Mr Leeman was already teaching...
I'm screwed, or so I thought.

He turned as he looked at me attempting to teleport to my desk...

"Why are you late miss?"

My lips slightly open as I waited for my brain to think of an excuse but it failed me.

"Try this tomorrow and it's detention" he continued, pointing the marker at me, who froze like a deer in headlights.

"Y..yes sir," I replied as I ran to my desk.
On my way to my desk, which was close to a window, I tripped and fell down.

I knew why.
I turned as I watched the culprits laugh it off...
"Why are your feet so wobbly?"
One said,
"She's such a freak, she can't even walk like normal people do"
An outburst of laughter came from the class, before Mr Leeman could dismiss it.

"That is enough," he yelled. "And miss peeling? Get off the floor"
He continued as he turned to the white board.

I wasn't embarrassed. Actually, I was used to it. Being in a high tier school wasn't easy, especially when you're poor.


I hurriedly sat down on my seat, which made a fart sound—causing them to  laugh again.

They must've put it there...
but right now I'm too used to this...they should've done better.

I bring out a textbook and a notepad as I prepare to take on learning for the day.


Schools over... finally.
I pack my books from my desk and stagger towards my locker.
My locker was easy to spot, there was "loser" spray painted on it.
I should've reported—but it actually helps me locate my locker easily... I use glasses.

Anyways. I get to my locker and I feel a sharp slap on my back.
I exclaim, holding where was hurting.

That had to be Elena. She was the only friend I had, the only one that mustered the courage to say "fuck you, I'm gonna be Lisa's friend...even though half the school makes fun of her everyday."

Well, why couldn't she? Her body size and height is twice mine.

I turn to give an eye to the dark haired giant.
"didn't see you at gym class...explain"
she said with one brow raised.

"Didn't feel like..."
I I put my books back in my locker.

"Didn't feel like? That's all I get?"
She fired back. Re adjusting her back pack.

"Did they give you toilet water again? She asked me as she observed to look for signs of extreme bullying on my body.

"No..." I interrupted.
"Nothing spectacular today," I said with a grin.

She looked at me, with pity written all over her bright blue eyes.
"Are you hungry?" She asked.
"My mom is making lasagna today." I know you love her lasagna.
I chuckled, "yeah I do... but I gotta see my mom at the hospital today."
—"oh yeah,....." she said, looking away from me.
"Well send her my greetings!" She yelled as she ran out of my sight.

I gave out a huge sigh.
Send her your greetings huh?, that's if she's listening.

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