Chapter -2

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Let's get into the story.....

Note: I'm changing something pragya forgets her memory for 2 years.....

Abhi felt so happy when pragya asked sorry with him.... But Neil's words are ringing around his mind.... He wants to get back pragya in his life anyhow.... He wants to take a step to get pragya otherwise his fuggi will be for someone else......

With pragya.....

She doesn't know why she asked sorry with abhi..... She felt weird while speaking with him.....

The day went....

Pragya came back to her house... She got fresh up and had her dinner and she went back to her room for sleep....

She can't able to sleep.... She figured out something is missing in her life....... Through her parents said that nothing happened between those two years.... She can feel that she is missing something..... Unable to identify what is that she drifted to sleep.....

Next morning.....

In office.....

Pragya is in hurry because she wants to attend her first meeting with her share holders.... She have no idea why she is so tensed..... She wants to go to her share holders company for the meeting with abhi.....

Abhi saw pragya is tensed.... He very well know about his fuggi's tension.... He wants to be with her..... He asked permission and went inside her cabin.....

Abhi: good morning mam (he smiles)...

Pragya too smiles seeing him....

Pragya: morning abhi....

Abhi: mam shall we go...

Pragya: yes (she still looks tensed)....

Abhi came towards pragya....

Abhi: don't get tensed mam.... I'm there right I'll look after everything..... Be calm....

Pragya: yes.... But this the first meeting I'm attending it after so many years... So I'm tensed....

Abhi: shall I give one solution??....

Pragya: yes...

Abhi: just drink this water (he offers the glass of water).... And breath in and out for few minutes..... Your tension will be gone....

Pragya did as he said.....

Both went to the company.... The meeting starts.... Through pragya is tensed.... As abhi said he is there with her he literally helped her with the meeting.... She gets impressed with abhi.....

While returning in car.....

Pragya stops the car near the ice cream parlor..... Abhi gets confused...

Abhi: why did you stopped here.....

Pragya: to wash clothes...

Abhi: what???!!!!...

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