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Erik's pov

I watched my mum look frantic as she held my little sister who had been born little over a few months ago. I heard the sound of a door being broken in as mum handed me Eren and pushed me over to a closet to hide. "Keep both yourself and Eren safe" she told me.

I nodded as she closed the door to hide us. Eren had woken up from the noise and looked upset. "Ssh. We'll be fine" I told her. I heard loud bangs as stuff was knocked over.

The cupboard door opened and someone yelled as they found both of us.


Eren's pov

I sat in the undercover area where my brother and the others stayed, drawing a picture with crayons. I wanted to be strong just like my brother and had told him a few times. "Eren" someone called.

I looked up to see my brother. "What is it?" I asked. "I found someone who is willing to do a lacrimal implant" he told me. "Really? So I can be strong like you?" I asked. He sighed but nodded.

I followed him to where this person was and instantly felt creeped out by the guy. "So this is the girl you want the implant done on?" he asked. "You better be careful. She's still young and I don't want her having a permanent problem. If something goes wrong, I'll kill you" my brother spat. The guy gave a lazy shrug.

He led me into this old building that had parts of the roof and wall missing. It had begun to rain as we stood under a section that still had some roof left. I spotted a lacrimal that shone purple on occasion.

I was instructed to lie down on the table as the guy shoed my brother out of the building. Lightning started to crash above as the guy put me to sleep.


I woke up in extreme pain, feeling sick and itchy. "Eren?" a familiar voice asked, their voice laced with worry. I fluttered my eyes open, looking up to see my brother. I tried to say something but coughed in response. Concern covered his face as he helped me sit up. I looked at one hand and saw dark purple scales covering it up to my elbow.

"I'm so sorry" he apologised, hugging me. "What does the rest of me look like?" I asked scared. He handed me a mirror as I looked a d my eyes widened. I had purple scales all around my mouth and my right eye.

"Why do I feel sick?" I asked. "Your stomach wasn't set up in the right way to the lacrimal so you need to eat poison regularly or you'll die" he told me. I looked down.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken you to that guy" he apologised. I just nodded.


I walked through the streets, looking around. It had been about a year since everyone in the oracion seiz was arrested. When they found me at the hideoutzthey choose not to arrest me since I'm not really a member since Brain considered me weak.

He never said this outloud but he thought it and Erik taught me sound magic just like him so I heard it. While I was walking, I ran into a boy. "I'm sorry" I apologised and tried to get past. He took one look at me then took my hand. "I'll accept your apology if I can take you out for dinner" he told me.

I tried to listen into his thoughts but it didn't work. "Alright" I accepted, feeling nervous. "Great. I'll meet you over there at 6pm tonight" he told me, pointing at a fountain. I agreed.


I walked up the stairs to my shared apartment, having just come back from visiting Erik in prison. I had been dating Sunada for a while now and although he did make rude or mean comments about my appearance, I didn't want to point it out because I was afraid of being alone.

When I got to the door, I stopped when I heard voices from inside. "That idiot doesn't even realise that your toying with her" a female voice laughed. "Yeah. She doesn't want to break up cause she knows no one will love her. I never did" Sunada chuckled.

That felt like a knife to the heart. Tears built up as I slammed the door open. "I'm sure you had fun toying with my feelings but no more!" I yelled. "I'm leaving!" I added. I packed anything of importance and left.

Eventually I ended up in a forest, sitting down. I heard hissing and turned to see two small poisonous snakes slither over. I picked them up and pet them. They wound themselves around my fingers.

" I'm going to call you Reptar and Pandora" I named them. They both hissed in response. "As for me. I'm. Going to change my name. I'll refer to myself as Charmer since I seem to have charmed the two of you" I explained, looking at my two little friends.

The enchanter and the snake(A Freed Justin x oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now