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Its my birthday so here's some art and a chapter

Eren's pov

I opened my eyes, sun shining into them and disturbing my sleep. I yawned, my tongue swiping out to taste the air as I did so.

I rubbed my eyes to clear them from sleep before pushing myself up into a sitting position. I freaked out at the not so familiar scent in the room, eyes widening until I remembered that Freed was there.

I turned to look at the bed beside me. He was rather still, hair spread out across his pillow, face relaxed and hands held close to his face.

I felt heat rise below my scales and on my cheeks. I turned away, covering the lower half of my face. I decided to reach into his thoughts. He was dreaming about the two of us. I quickly pulled my hearing back in, refusing to hear anymore.

I turned to the side of my bed where Reptar and Paradox were curled up together.I flicked my tongue out with a hiss. Both of them lifted up their heads sleepily, tongues flicking out themselves. 

Paradox slithered forward, releasing a cloud of poison just in front of me. I ate that, wiping at my mouth when finished. Freed sat up with a hazy look on his face, hair messed up in his face. He turned to look at me for a second, face heating up slightly before turning away. I got up out of the bed and walked over to the chair that I had folded my clothes over.

I started unbuttoning the shirt I wore when sleeping. "Your just going to change in the open?" Freed asks, turning his head. "I don't care at this point. You've seen what I look like so it doesn't bother me" I reply, slipping the shirt off my shoulders.

"It isn't very proper though" he objects. "I grew up in a guild with 5 guys and 1 other girl. That doesn't include my brother's snake. I think I'm good when it comes to changing in front of guys" I reply, pulling off the leggings.

He kept his head turned away. "What guild were you in?" he asks. "Why would you want to know?" I ask. 'I just want to get to know you better' "Curious" he replies. "Oracion seiz. I reply, pulling on the thigh high socks on first.

"A dark guild" he mutters. "Well. I didn't do anything in it. I was just there. I was like 13 or something when all of them were arrested" I explained, pulling on my shorts. He went silent while I tied the purple bandages around my chest.

I closed the coat around my chest and fastened the belts around my waist to keep it on before pulling on the sleeve gloves I wore. I sat down on the chair when he spoke up again. "You signed your name in the sign in book as Eren. C. Why?" he asks, turning to look at me.

"Promise not to tell" I demand. He nods. "Its my real name. I changed my name to Charmer a while ago. The only people who still refer to me as Eren are the seiz. The C just stands for Charmer" I explain.

"Eren's a nice name. Why change it?" he asks. "I have my reasons" I state, pulling on one of my shoes. He gets up out of the bed, grabbing a hair brush and running it through his hair a few times. I put the mask over my head and left it around my neck as I tied my hair up into a ponytail. Hopefully this job will be over quickly.

The enchanter and the snake(A Freed Justin x oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now