Ichi ~ Let the thirty days begin.

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1: Let the thirty days begin

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"Sayuri! Sakura! Ino! What are you doing here?" Lady Tsunade says, sternly.

Sakura, Ino, and I were out in the hallway, trying to walk to class quickly before anyone caught up to us, but we miserably failed. I shut my eyes tightly and mentally face-palmed. I turned around, along with the two and reopened my eyes, seeing Lady Tsunade with her arms crossed, and one of her eyebrows were up. Yup, the assistant principal looked upset.

"Shouldn't you be in class? It started ten minutes ago. Unless you want me to get Principal Owatari to write you a detention slip."

"Chill! We were late coming to school," Ino complained, flipping her hair and crossing her arms.

Lady Tsunade rolled her eyes. "I'm letting you off with a warning. If I see you girls wandering around the hallway, you're in big trouble--"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Sakura states, as we all walk off to the direction of Kakashi-sensei's class.

Don't get me wrong; yeah, I'm close friends with Sakura and Ino, but their stubbornness really pisses me off. It kinda rubbed off on me, though. So, basically, you can say I'm one of them. One of the snobby, self-centered popular girls. But, no, I'm definitely not a girl-player. Not like Sakura. Well, Ino's a little like me.

When someone's popular, you'd expect them to be ugly on the inside, and start toying with someone else's feelings. But all I have to say is that it sounds way too stereotypical. Of course, you're right about Sakura, and maybe Ino. Me? That's a no. I may be popular and snobby, but I have a heart, you know.

We walked right into Kakashi-sensei's class, and we realized that we just walked into the middle of the room. Well, Sakura pushed me in first. Everyone gave us a weird look.

Kakashi-sensei looked up from his desk. "Girls, you do realize class started ten minutes ago. Right?"

Everyone was staring at us. I heated up, but I flipped my hair and crossed my arms. "Uh, yeah. Whatever."

"Come here late again, you get a detention," he stands up from his seat. "Go to your desks."

"Fine!" Sakura yelled with her chin in the air, walking quickly to her seat. Ino and I followed behind her afterwards.

I heard a chuckle, from no other than Sasuke Uchiha. "Sayuri was probably spreading clown make-up on her face. And I should say she's done a good job!"

I rolled my eyes at the raven-haired Uchiha sitting in the front next to Naruto Uzumaki, who was laughing hysterically. Sasuke has been and always will be my sworn enemy. There's always competition between us, whether it's based on martial arts or when we're sparring. I didn't understand why he's done what he's done, but I chose not to know.

"Whatever, Uchiha. At least my hair isn't styled like a duck-tail," Now, as I sat down, mostly everyone in the classroom were either gaping their mouths open, or actually saying, 'Ooooh!' I smirked at this as I slightly slid down in my seat, crossing my arms. Sasuke just grunted and rested his head on his hands with an annoyed look on his face.

Sakura sat down on the desk next to me and shot me a look. "What the hell was that about?"

"What?" I say, tapping my fingers on the desk.

"Why are you always so mean to my Sasuke-kun?!"

I shot her a weird look. "...Seriously. Sasuke-kun?" I say quietly, so no one could hear me, especially Sasuke.

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