#1: Wanna Be Missed (Logince)

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456 words.
Warnings: None.
Notes: loosely based on 'Wanna Be Missed' by Hayley Kiyoko.
Logan sat up in bed when he heard the soft knock. He walked over to the door and opened it, then pulled Roman inside.

Roman immediately pressed his lips to Logan's. Logan kissed back and wrapped his arms around Roman's neck. Roman rested his hands on Logan's hips and deepened it.

After a few seconds, Roman pulled back to breath. Both of them were panting hard and clinging to each other.

"I missed you." Roman breathed.

"We're around each other 24/7, Roman. I hardly see how you could miss me." Roman laughed and picked Logan up.

"I missed you in my arms," he started, "I miss kissing you and cuddling you aand just being with you like this." Roman laid him down in the bed. Logan blushed.

"Well, in that case, I missed you to." Logan said, Roman smiled and kissed him again.

The two laid in Logan's bed, cuddling and kissing until Logan saw the sun start to come up.

"We stayed up all night." He chuckled. Roman smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Guess we'll have to stay in bed all day."

"The others will worry. And they'll think it's weird that we're both missing. Espacically after the encounter with Virgil in the kitchen."

"I don't see why we can't tell them. We told Thomas."

"Yeah, but we live inside of him." Logan countered. Roman sighed.

"I want to be able to show affection to you outside of the bedroom." Roman said. Logan sighed.

"I want that to, but I'm scared." Logan said. Roman squeezed his hand.

"We'll wait until you're ready." He said. Logan nodded.

Over the next 2 days. Logan thought about everything. It wouldn't hurt to tell the others, right? They would accept them. Then, he and Roman could be open with their relationship.

The next night, when Roman came to Logan's room, Logan told him he was ready.

"We can tell them in the morning. I want to tell them so badly." He said. Roman smiled.

"I want that to. Thank you, Logan."

In the morning, Roman and Logan exited Logan's room together. Logsn squeezed Roman's hand tightly and they both walked into the kitchen together.

"Patton, Virgil, we wanted to tell you something." Patton turned away from the stove and smiled.

"What is it." Virgil looked up.

"Logan and I are together and have been for quite some time." Roman said and looked at Logan. Logan smiled and nodded.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you two!" Patton squealed. Logan blushed and Roman kissed his cheek.

"Congrats. Can we eat now?" Virgil said. Patton served them breakfast and as they were eating, Logan and Roman looked at each other.

"I'm glad we told them." Logan whispered. Roman smield.

"Me to."

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