The double J's: Jealous Jack

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Elsa:uhh so BORED!!!!

Punzie: maybe I'll go check the sack *checks the sack* oh there's one but It's full of dust maybe I don't notice this *reads* I dare Elsa to make Jack jelly also use Hiccup ;) -09081982887kim um...... JACK!!!

Jack: what??

Punzie: there's dare for you I dare Jack to um... *pretend to read* buy Elsa a..... PAIR OF GLOVES!!!

Jack: um.... okay *flew away*

Punzie: EVERYONE!!!

Everyone: what???

Punzie: read this aloud Elsa

Elsa: okay *reads aloud* I dare Elsa to make Jack jelly and also use Hiccup -09081982887kim what's a jelly??

Punzie: it means "jealous" anyways here's the plan *whisper to all of them* got it???also are you okay with this Merida

Merida: of course because I want to see Jack's reaction!!

And then Jack is walking near to the door

Punzie: *in a walkie talkie* Merida Jack's is almost there get Elsa and Hiccup ready!!!

Merida: okay Elsa Hiccup get ready!!!

Elsa and Hiccup: READY!!!

And then Jack peek through the window

Jack: *shocked* what the???!!!

Elsa: *twirling her French braided hair and then her other hand is on Hiccup's shoulder and blushing* oh Hiccup I don't even know you were that handsome I just can't see you because of Jack

Hiccup: *his hands are on Elsa's waist and blushing* I Love you *getting nearer at Elsa's face*

Elsa: I love you too *getting nearer at Hiccup's face*

As they were about to kiss Jack interrupt them by pulling them apart:

Jack: I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!! *chases Hiccup*

Elsa: JACK!!! It was just a dare so don't worry

Jack: wait what???

Merida: hahahaha you should seem the look on your face now lets put this in YouTube *shows the camera*

Jack: wait maybe I'll chase you later *faces to Elsa and kiss her on the lips*


After 10 seconds......

Jack: okay done now I'm gonna chase you!!!! *chases Merida

Merida: too slow!!!

Punzie: anyways ask and dare

Elsa Hiccup and Punzie: THE BIG FIVE!!!

Jack: GIVE ME THAT!!!!

Merida: NEVER!!!

Ask and dare the big five (with Anna)Where stories live. Discover now