Monday - 11th February

358 20 2

"Alya! Help! It won't work!" Marinette wringed her hands, circling around the room in panic.

"Marinette..." her friend sighed. "You must pull yourself together!"

"I don't understand why I let you do this to me!"

"I didn't force you to do anything!" Alya replied. "It was just a casual offer."

"Didn't force me?" Marinette stopped in the middle of the room and stared at her friend. "You dragged my hand so hard that I would have bruises on my wrist for the rest of my life!"

"Don't exaggerate!" Alya laughed. "It was a great opportunity for you to talk to Adrien normally. Nino gave me the tip that they were in the park. All you had to do was to go there like a normal person and talk to the boy you've been dreaming about for half a year."

"Exactly! Like a normal person!" Marinette spotted accusingly. "Not like a lamb being dragged to slaughter!"

"Well, you could go like a person." Alya answered back.

"You shouldn't force me!" Marinette reminded her reproachfully.

"I didn't force you to do anything!" Alya defended herself.

"I didn't want him to think that I asked you to organise this meeting. God, that would be unbearable! I hope he won't figure out..."

"Marinette!" Alya called her friend to order. "There are two options. Either Adrien is stupid and he hasn't figured it out yet. Or he guessed it a long time ago. In the first case, I advise you to quickly forget about him, because you can get along with a fool up to a week, and then you'll kill him. No! Rather, you'll force me to help you with the murder. And we'll be in jail together, because someone – I mean Gabriel Agreste – won't let the murderers of his beloved only child be unpunished."

"Well, with this beloved one, you probably exaggerated a bit..." Marinette joked. "From what we've heard, he's rather a fan of emotionless raising."

"Oh, your good mood is back!" Alya noticed, then returned to the main topic: "So, if Adrien isn't stupid, he guessed a long time ago, so you can do something about it!"

"What?!" Marinette squeaked.

"And good mood is gone..." Alya giggled.

"Alya, if he knows or thinks that..." Marinette moaned. "Don't you think he could do something about it?"

"Maybe he's shy?"

"Yeah, right!" Marinette snorted. "He's a famous model. He can't get rid of girls. How could he be shy?"

"I don't know. But... According to what Nino says... He could be..."

"I doubt it."

"I'm telling you, Marinette! Make the first move!"


"Send a valentine card."

"No way!"

"So, don't sign it." Alya suggested. "But leave him a hint. Let him find you like the Prince found Cinderella."

"You've lost your mind." Marinette gave her friend a sharp look.

"Think about it, girl." Alya put her hand on Marinette's shoulder and looked at her seriously. "There are three days to Valentine's Day. You have time to decide. It's been too long. You fell in love half a year ago. Either you'll fall out of love or you'll do something about it! Because this will kill you sooner or later! Promise me that you'll think about it!"

"Okay. I promise to think about it. But I don't promise that I'll send that card!"

"Thanks." Alya finally smiled. "Now, excuse me, I have a date!"

Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Just go..." she sighed goodbye.

After a while, she was alone... With a million thoughts in her head.

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