Wednesday - 13th February

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This part contains some spoilers and quotation from "Dark Cupid". I had to modify a bit the poem (lines about Ladybug have no sense in this story...) Don't worry about the nonsense of the lines written by me. I'm not a poet, so... Forgive me. But I remembered about the rhythm and the rhymes... The rest is called "poetry" ;-)

Today at school, Marinette noticed that Adrien was also avoiding her. Maybe he was offended by her behaviour yesterday? Or maybe not... She spotted his glances once or twice... And she saw in his eyes something that wasn't a rancour... It was something that caused the treacherous warmth flooded her cheeks. The reason didn't allow her to believe too optimistically that this could be what she secretly dreamed of. And what Alya tried to tell her. No, the disappointment would be too heart-breaking... No, it was better to assume that it was only her imagination.

French Literature was their last lesson that day. Charles Perrault's "Sleeping Beauty" was the topic and Adrien was writing intensively for the whole lesson, until Miss Bustier became interested in his notes, suspecting that they had little to do with the topic. But when she asked him what the lesson was about, he recited the words of the students who had spoken earlier. Marinette assumed that he had been noting down. The more she was surprised when she saw Adrien throwing away the crumpled piece of paper right after the lesson.

Marinette waited for everyone to leave the classroom and then went to the trash can. She found this piece of paper and realised what was written on it. A lot of corrections and notes – but it was a poem. A Valentine's poem!

Your hair is dark as night

Your pretty bluebell eyes

I wonder what you feel

You're hiding it from me

Every day we see each other

I hope that you'll be mine

Together our love can be so true

Please, will you be my Valentine?

Marinette read it twice. Was it possible that... that he wrote this poem about her? Or rather to her? Again, the same thought appeared in her mind as when she'd spotted his gaze. It would be too good to be true. And yet... A hope emerged in the bottom of her heart...


Wednesday afternoon – 13th February

Marinette ran back home with the crumpled piece of paper pressed to her heart, as if it was the most important treasure in her life. She went directly to her room and sat at the desk, where she'd left the Valentine card. Yesterday, just after Alya had left, Marinette started preparing it. She decided to be as simple as possible – she cut a shape of heart from the red Bristol paper and decorated with an original pattern along the edge. It consisted of one word – her name – repeated and linked in one ornament. Seemingly obvious but inscribed in the pattern looked just like an interesting decoration. At first glance, unidentifiable.

Now it was the turn of the more difficult part of the task – what to write there. What kind of wishes would she write? She got lost in her thoughts... She had no experience in writing Valentine's wishes. Actually, she was doing it for the first time in her life! Time passed, and she still couldn't express what she wanted to say. In fact, she didn't even know what she wanted to say!

Suddenly, she felt the inspiration – she could write the answer to his poem! She took a pen and wrote:

Your hair shines like the Sun

Your eyes are gorgeous green

I look at you and wonder

Your innermost thoughts and dreams

Yes, your Valentine I would be

Our love will be so true

Together for eternity

My heart belongs to you.

So, it was done. Phew... Now she just had to overcome her shyness and to give him this card somehow. That made her nervous again. No, she shouldn't worry about it now. Certainly not before dinner. Or even before tomorrow. Maybe a sleep will bring some brilliant solution...

And with that thought she hid the Valentine card in her bag.

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