Chapter 1: We Have Arrived

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Lionblaze's POV

"Are you sure you don't need help?" his mother fretted.

Lionblaze shook his head adamantly, as did his sister Hollyleaf. "It's alright mom, all our stuff is already there, all we need to do is grab our keys from the front desk, and we're good to go"

"If you're sure..."

Lionblaze climbed out of the car before she could get any farther along. He then grabbed his brother's walking stick and helped him out, much to Jayfeather's annoyance.

Hollyleaf was gazing admirably towards the campus, a smile on her face. "We made it! We made it to College!"

Lionblaze couldn't help but agree High School felt like it would last forever.

"So the front desk is in which of these buildings?" Lionblaze asked Hollyleaf.

Hollyleaf looked at the map, "It's the biggest building, straight ahead."

Lionblaze looked where she was directing and saw a large, modern building dead ahead. "Alright, then what are we waiting for! Let's go!"


They arrived at the front desk after ten minutes of walking. The courtyard was bigger than it looked.

The woman at the front desk looked up with a smile. "Hey! You must be new students, I'm Spottedleaf, the head of the Thunder Girls section."

Lionblaze liked this Spottedleaf's warm attitude, and responded, "I'm Lionblaze, these are my siblings Hollyleaf and-"

"-Jayfeather, I know. He was the winner of the Medical Scholarship, was he not?"

Lionblaze looked at Jayfeather briefly, he hadn't known that his brother had won a scholarship. "I think so?"

Spottedleaf smiled again, "Well then, here are your keys. Hollyleaf you're in Thunder Girls so we will be seeing each other often, room 207. Lionblaze, you're in Thunder Boys room 106."

Lionblaze was about to ask about Jayfeather when Spottedleaf turned to his brother. "Since you are here with a Medical Scholarship, you have your own room in the Medic wing. Two lefts, three rights. Room 13, it's labeled in braille as well."

Jayfeather looked both surprised and pleased. Lionblaze couldn't help but be jealous. A free room! Lucky!

Jayfeather was the first to walk off, obviously eager for his private room. Hollyleaf heading off to her wing shortly later. Leaving Lionblaze standing alone in the foyer with Spottedleaf, who has already returned to her desk and computer.

He sighed before walking to his room as well. How easy their family splits apart.

He found his room without much difficulty, but he did have some difficulty opening the door. He had to ram it open to get through.

The sources of this difficulty were the stack of open and half-empty cardboard boxes of... was that whip cream? Oh no. Was all Lionblaze could think before he was showered in whip cream from behind.


Maniacal laughing followed Lionblaze's outburst. "I've been waiting here for an hour! I didn't know what roommate I was getting so I wanted to make sure they knew what they were getting into."

Lionblaze rolled his eyes at the ginger as he grabbed a towel from the bathroom to wipe off his face and clothes.

"Whipped cream?" Lionblaze questioned.

"Not just whipped cream. I brought permanent dye silly string anddddd my air cannon."

Lionblaze looked horrified, "You fixed it? I thought you threw it away when you jammed it full of peanut butter!"

"No! Of course not, I got a new one... with twice as much power" Foxleap said with a crazy smile.

Lionblaze tried to forget the pranks that happened with that last one and instead asked. "Have you seen anyone else? Any of the girls?"

Foxleap shrugged, "Not really, I think I saw Hazeltail in the foyer earlier though."

"That means we're some of the first people here, cool."

Foxleap smirked, "Let's go see if we can spot a wild Berrynose because I brought this silly string just for him."

Lionblaze nodded with a smile growing on his face. "He is going to be soo mad."

Together Foxleap and Lionblaze raced out of the dorm and headed toward the foyer.

Hazeltail's POV

Hazeltail was trying to drown out Dovewing's endless chatter but was failing without her headphones. Why did I have to get the most talkative person as my roommate? It wasn't that Hazeltail didn't like Dovewing, they were friends after all. But there's a difference between being friends, and wanting to share a dorm.

Dovewing hadn't stopped talking since she had arrived at the dorm. At first, it was simple things like what happened over summer, but slowly, it turned towards more boring topics, like fashion or hairstyles.

Hazeltail's attention only returned to the conversation when Dovewing mentioned her sister.

Hazeltail began sharply, "You mean the sister who got arr-"

Dovewing waved her off, "Yes, yes, the sister who got arrested. But I say forgive and forget."

Dovewing went on, "She's coming to Warriors University this year, so we'll be able to see her!" Dovewing said as if it was good news.

Hazeltail made a mental note to hide everything of value before leaving her room each day. You can never be too careful.


Jayfeather's POV

To his own surprise, Jayfeather was enjoying university so far. His dorm was nice and large, with two rooms separated by a door. The second room was an office type room and was perfect for Jayfeather to set his equipment in.

The first room was larger than the second one and contained a bed, couch, and surprisingly, a television.

Jayfeather also found a braille binder next to the bed, that contained his schedule, a map, and a guide to the school. All in braille.

Jayfeather laid down gratefully on his bed and allowed himself a few moments to think through his plans this year. He would have to take all his classes on medical studies, but he didn't particularly care for them. It's just what he did best. His true passion was using and upgrading his new, one of a kind computer system that used a braille pad instead of a monitor.

If he could just perfect it, he could sell them and make a living off that instead.

He was disturbed a knock on the door. He walked over carefully and opened the door to be greeted by a breathless voice.

"Hi! Are you Jayfeather? I'm Willowshine! I'm a medical student as well!"

Jayfeather groaned. Great, another cat he would be taking classes with.

"Yes, I'm Jayfeather, and I'm so glad to be taking classes with another student," he said with cutting sarcasm.

Willowshine seemed not to notice, and continued, "Awesome! Which class are you most looking forward to? I'm looking forward to the field medicine class. Supposedly, the teacher is really fun."

"Yay... fun" Jayfeather responded dryly. If Willowshine noticed the sarcasm that time, she didn't show it.

"Well... I guess I'm going to go talk to a few other students." she paused "Do you want to come with me?"

Jayfeather didn't really but had nothing better to do so said grudgingly. "I guess..."

Willowshine said in delight, "Really? Okay! I was thinking we might check out the Thunder Dorms first since your siblings are there."

Jayfeather was meaning to check up on Lionblaze and Hollyleaf so that worked out perfectly. "Okay, lead the way."

Jayfeather picked up his walking stick and key, before closing the door and following Willowbreeze.

Maybe University wasn't going to be as bad as he first thought...

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