Chapter One

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Sam hates his new school and everyone in it. Usually, Sam doesn't complain about school, he genuinely likes it. But the minute Sam found out that Dean had to go to a different school than him, he knew something bad was going to happen.

Even though Dean (or Sam) never talked to each other during school, it was nice to know that he was at least THERE with him in the same place. And he was right because barely a week into the school, Sam was exiting the premises when he felt a pair of  rough hands grab the back of his t-shirt and slam him into a locker face first, that would definitely leave a bruise later. Sam hoped not, it was getting harder and harder to hide this from Dean who is becoming extremely suspicious when Sam comes limping home. Sam waves him off but he knows Dean isn't convinced.

"Hey nerd," Bill Seth hissed. Sam repressed a shudder when he felt Bill's breath on his cheek. Bill grabbed a handful of his hair (damn his long hair) and smashed his face into the locker again. Sam bit his lip to keep from shouting but a small whimper escaped that caused Bill to laugh.

"Awwww is Sammy gonna cry?" Bill cooed tightening his hold on his hair. Sam's eyes watered reflectively at the stinging pain but he didn't cry, not wanting to give Bill the satisfaction.

"Look guys, Sammy is gonna cry." Bill's friends laughed and Sam's face turned hot with embarrassment. Sam knew he could take Bill down. Bill was way bigger than him but Sam knew way more about fighting than Bill probably did, the problem was that Bill always came at him with a group and Sam cursed all bullies for always coming in groups.

Bill let him go and he was about to make a run for it, before two of his friends roughly grabbed each his shoulders, keeping him still. Bill smirked and grabbed Sam's face, forcing him to look at him.

"Here's the deal Sammy boy," Bill drawled, pressing his fingers into Sam's checks harder, causing a thin line of blood to run down.

"My folks are pissed at me for failing in Math, and I really don't want my parents on my ass so your going to do my homework for me. Got it?"

When Sam didn't reply, Bill scowled and punched him in the gut. Sam grunted and wheezed as he felt all the breath leave him.

"Got it you fucker!!" Bill sneered. Sam nodded and Bill's friends let him go. Bill shoved his textbook into Sam's chest and pushed him out the door.

"I better get an A or I swear to fucking God I will beat you till your black and blue!!" Bill threatened as Sam scrambled to leave, running all the way to the motel they were staying, never stopping and never looking back.                                


By the time Sam made it back to their room, he was out of breath and his side and face was sore and aching. Sam groaned when he knew Dean was going to question what happned and Sam was NOT in the mood right now. He can already feel a migraine coming just thinking about it (or it can probably be because Bill practically tossed Sam around gripping his hair tightly).

Sam entered the motel and ducked his head low, his bangs covering his face. He closed the door softly hoping Dean wouldn't hear him enter. He should've known better. 

"Heya, Sammy," Dean greeted him
from the couch, his eyes glued on the TV.

"Hey, Dean," Sam mumbled, placing his backpack on the table.

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