Everything seems to be fine.

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Lying in the space of my living room, staring at the ceiling, I trying to think as positively as possible. I Thank you for my work, for my life, for my living room where no one bothers me., and of course, for all the opportunities that have hitherto.
The window of the building has a view as wide as the city and and the other buildings it she houses.
After getting up, I re-inspect how the entrances and exits of the company's materials. Until James, one of the chiefs comes to call me:
 — Clear! I'm going.
I hurried to pack my cardigan on my social shirt, and I hurried out with my little jumps, making noise through the hallways of the company.
— My dear, —James said in a soft, worried tone. —"I've heard a few things, I need to tell you. I felt James's concern from a distance and it made me a little nervous. I sat up in my chair, tucked my hair behind my ear, and stared at him, just waiting for him to start talking. James is my boss, but, much more than that, he was always a great friend, always alerted about to everything in the company.
— I've heard rumors that the agency will make some cuts, and everything indicates that the warehouse is the first. I do not know if you would be one of them, but it would be good for you to talk to your fiancé, after all, he is very influential and a friend of our CEO.
I felt a small squeeze in my chest, after all, I hate talking to Jack about work, or asking anything of the kind for him. I feel inadequate and totally dependent on him, and that's a feeling I'm dispensing with.
— "I just thought you should know, my dear. We're a little worried. — He continued.
— James, I do not know how to thank you for alerting about to the company. Usually the stockroom is the last to know. And these cuts always make us apprehensive.
—  Yes, but it soon ends for you. You go marrying Jack Thompson. —  He made an animated face. And maybe he was more excited than I was, the bride herself. 
— I do not know if my problems will end with marrying, James. I do not want to depend on Jack for anything in this life. I'm a capable woman, I can take care of myself.
—I loveding you to think so, but you're lucky to marry that cat, really.
I roll my eyes and giggle.
—I know, Jack is really beautiful. Very beautiful, and mine! — Long smile.
— As much as our CEO. —  James says practically sighing. 
— You Swear? I've never seen him. I'm just stuck in that damn room, I can not imagine what it's like.
— You do not know what you're missing. Rarely does he leave that living room as well, but he is a Greek god. He was carved by angels.
I begin to laugh.
—You do not exist, James. — I'm still laughing a little. — I think I'd better get back to my little hell. I'm able to make my CEO cut me off agency.
— But I'm sure you're still going to go up on the company." You will be an executive secretary briefly. Or will have any important position.
—  God, listen to you, I studied hard for it.— I pout.
— You should take the chance. Do not waste Jack's help.
Bufo in low sound.
— I do not want his help.
Definitely to engage to a man who is rich, is like a magical pass, a fairy godmother, solveing what all my problems. 
The big drawback is that I'm not that kind of person, I like solving my problems alone, that's part of life. Even my fiancé understands me, but most people they do not understand that, which is frustrating for me!
James gives me a hug and I go to my office.
I'm Brazilian woman, I've lived in Seattle for about four years. This wonderful port city, every day growing bigger and already becomes the twenty-third most populous city in the country. Some time ago I finished my IT college, and then I decided to do the advertising college, and some language courses. My resume is very extensive and complete. I got this job as a stockroom in one of the best companies here, but I still have hope of moving up. After all, it's a famous agency just for giving employees opportunities.
Occasionally, I met Jack here in the company, he is CEO of an industry that works with digital platforms and technologies. Like our CEO, he inherited the company from his father who was already tired and old to manage everything. That's why they're so young.
Jack is wonderful, and he has invited me on numerous occasions to work with him in his company, but I do not think this is interesting for my career. I am extremely grateful to him for the concern, but, I want to rise with my sweat.
Now our mysterious CEO is really a mystery. I've never seen him through these corridors, he never leaves his working room, and when he leaves, there is no one else in our building. By the way, we are the largest advertising company in the country. That explains my hope of rising of carreer, right? But back to Noah Hoover, I can only imagine it according to the details that some employees describe.
Arriving in my living room, and comfortably seated at my desk, I begin to think of everything there is, in everything I've ever gotten, and how Seattle it welcomed me so well. I think of everything that could go wrong and work out. And i believe that it could go wrong and it worked out, I like to think that everything is fine at the moment.
I try to ignore these thoughts, and I go back to work.
Sitting down to examine some merchandise, when I hear a knock on my door.
— You may come in.
So, as I look forward, I notice that it is Ed, the delivery boy from the building. He stood like a statue, e just staring at me.
— Hey, Ed. —  I smile.
—Ms. — He smile at me kindly — I have an surprise for you!
Soon he can show a bouquet of extremely beautiful white roses, wrapped in a transparent paper and a blue bow in the middle, used in a way that would join, and in front, a small envelope, which could bring a note.
— One more? —I smile.
— Yes ma'am! —  He smiles and hands me the bouquet.
— Thank you, Ed. —  I take my bouquet and put it on my desk.
 Ed, very polite said goodbye me and went down the hallway, the elevator path to then leave. 
Of course I was surprised by this delicacy and I was sure it was Jack's thing. After all, every day he insists on sending me flowers and some notes. And I was not mistaken. That was really my fiancé's thing.
The note read: "You look beautiful, and I miss you, I can not wait to see you".
Jack, as always was very romantic, and very intense.
However, he does not like us to appear in public, he said, we had better be more reserved.
Today is a strange day, one of those days that I can not be happy despite good things, and my head does not stop working. But despite this crazy feeling, I felt very happy to look at these flowers.
Despite the agency's current and discouraging news, I went back to work, still looking at my flowers and the simple card, which had always made me very excited. Basically, I feel that Jack knows that I hate working in the warehouse and that he really wanted to me be working with advertising, I think he wants to help me a lot, but because of all the conversations we've had and because I be a little tough with his help, he gave up trying something. However, I believe flowers are a way to try to brighten up my days.
Soon the clock strikes four o'clock and I had already put my things in my bag, I have caught the beautiful roses I have won and hurried to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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