Chapter 5

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All that could be heard in the quiet forest was the crunching of twigs under our feet. We had finally gotten far enough away from the party that the music could no longer be heard. My knife was out and the blade gleamed in the moonlight. It was so easy. Jason was facing away from me and very drunk. All I needed to do was knock him on the ground and plunge the knife into his neck but for some reason, I hesitated. I felt like I couldn't do it. Why? I barely knew him. It's not like his death would have any effect on my life. Could it really be that I was somewhat attracted to him? He definitely liked me. How heartbreaking, to be killed by your crush... I shook the thought from my head. No. I needed to do this. It was my job. I couldn't let these imaginary feelings get in the way. I didn't like him. And even if I did it was probably a crush that would go away in a few weeks anyway.

I made my move.

I yanked my arm out of his grasp which caused him to stumble due to the amount of alcohol in his system. I saw him about to turn around which is when I made my move. I couldn't let him face me. If I saw his face I knew I wouldn't be able to go through with this mission. It was now or never. With a rush of adrenaline, I charged towards him and brought the knife down to the side of his neck. I yanked it out and heard him choke on his own blood. He spat some of the red liquid out and it ran down his chin. I watched as his body turned to face me as he fell. He collapsed on the forest ground with a thud. Some twigs snapped under his weight. He looked up at me as the blood continued to gargle in his mouth and run down his chin and neck. It quickly stained the ground beneath him.

The look on his face was one of shock, as one would expect but there was something else... I couldn't put my finger on it. The closest thing I could use to describe that look was... heartbroken... Could my hunch have been correct in assuming he actually liked me..? Well even if he did, it didn't matter now. What's done is done as they say.

I watched as the blood continued to pour out of his mouth and wound. The sound of him dying was almost too much for me to bare... He was taking too long to die. The best thing to do was to end his suffering. I had to picture him as some small animal that was beyond saving. It would make this whole thing easier to deal with.

I crouched down beside him and lowered my head next to his. I made eye contact with him then whispered, "I'm sorry, but I have to do this. It's all over now." Without any feeling, I stabbed his chest, right in the heart.

He died instantly.

His body went completely still. There were no more sounds coming from his mouth. I watched as the blood continued to leak and soaked the forest floor. The dirt beneath his body turned into a bloody puddle of mud.

It didn't take long for the whole thing to hit me. When it did I felt like I couldn't breathe. It was as if all the air left my lungs. I stumbled backward and a few feet away from Jason, I fell on my ass. The now bloody knife fell from my hand and landed with a soft thud beside me in the dirt.

I had just taken a life...

I took the life of another human being... I looked down at my hands. They were both shaking violently and the one that held the knife was covered in blood... His sticky, warm blood... There was so much blood... It covered my whole hand and even a bit of my forearm...

My heart was racing. I felt like I couldn't breathe. The world was spinning. Jeff was right... I couldn't handle this... This was going to mess me up... It was going to haunt me for the rest of my life... What had I gotten myself into..? I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. I looked down at his body again and quickly scrambled to get away from him... it... whatever... I just needed to put distance between me and that... mess...

I got a few feet away when I felt my stomach contents creep up my throat. I collapsed on my hands and knees and emptied my dinner on the ground. I heaved so violently that I felt like my stomach was going to come out too. When my stomach was completely empty I began to crawl away but only made it a few feet before my limbs gave out. My body hit the forest floor with a thud. My eyes were open but looking at nothing. The world was spinning and I couldn't focus on anything. I was so out of it that I couldn't even look around when I heard footsteps quickly approach me. I closed my eyes and waited for a fellow classmate to start screaming but it never came.

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