Chapter 1

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I sat in bed and watched the clock that sat on my bedside table. The time read, 11:59 PM. I watched it, rarely blinking. I looked intensely until the clock turned to 12:00 AM. When it did I hopped off my bed, slipped on my sneakers and as quietly as I could, I opened up my window. I was fortunate enough that the house I lived in was only one level. It made sneaking out so easy. I climbed out the window and landed on the grass below with a soft thud. After regaining my balance I stood up and made my way down the dimly lit street. For a child-friendly neighborhood, I lived on a very quiet street with no children. I was thankful for that as I would hate to have a child witness me in action.

I twirled my switchblade in my hand as I walked up the street. At the end was a small park that was designed for young kids but mostly older, good for nothing teens hung out here drinking, smoking and always left behind a mess. At least... they did until a friend and I took care of one of them when he so foolishly went there on his own. What an idiot he was. He went down without a fight, not even a scream. How boring it was to watch him die.

When I arrived at the park I was greeted with a peaceful silence. Some might call it eerie but I found it comforting. I went over to the back of the park where a huge boulder sat in between two tall trees. Behind that was nothing but forest. I sat down on the boulder and looked into the woods. I was looking for any sign of movement, any sounds of a twig snapping or leafs crunching. It took a while, longer than I expected but soon I heard the crunch of familiar footsteps although this time it sounded like the person was walking with a limp. I turned my head in the direction of the footsteps and saw a dark figure approaching. When they stepped out of the forest and into the light from a single lamp I saw that familiar white hoodie, the hood pulled up over the head. The figure reached up and slowly pulled it down and looked up at me. I was greeted with a big smile that was carved into his face and piercing, unblinking stare.

"Hello, Jeff," I said with a grin.

"Hey..." was his reply as he walked over to me. I moved to one side so he could sit beside me. The rock was so big it could fit three people although it would be a bit snug. He limped over and hoisted himself beside me, all while I gave him a worried look which he noticed immediately. "Oh don't worry about it. I just tripped but it doesn't hurt."

"Are you sure? Do you want me to take a look at it?" I asked. I leaned down and was about to lift his pant leg to check out his injury but he took my hand in his which stopped me in my tracks.

"Trust me, my dear, I am fine." I looked into his eyes as he held my hand. His piercing blue eyes that never blinked stared into mine. He patted the back of my hand gently and I let out a deep sigh.

"Alright, fine. If you say so..." I scooted close to him and rested my head on his shoulder, all while keeping our hands locked together. A shiver went down my spine as a gust of wind swept past us. I pulled my hoodie tightly around me while Jeff seemed unaffected by the chilly weather. He had been living in old abandoned places for years now with no access to heating or air conditioning so he just adapted to the natural environment around him. I nuzzled closer as the wind picked up and began to shiver all over. Jeff noticed this and let go of my hand so he could wrap his arm around me. I sighed with pleasure as I felt the warmth coming from him.

"Hang in a little longer. He should be here soon." I nodded against his shoulder. He took much longer than usual. Any other night he would have been here by now. I wondered what was taking so long. After what seemed like forever we began to hear the trees creak and moan behind us.

"It's about time..." I said with slight annoyance. I normally got mad at anyone who kept me waiting as I was never the patient type of person but considering who this was I couldn't really get mad. He was our Boss after all. He came and went whenever we wanted and if he wanted to make us wait then he would make us wait. I looked in the forest and soon a tall, faceless figure stepped out. The two of us got off the boulder and stood to attention as he approached. "Hey, Boss."

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