The Best Part Of The Book

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* i currently take requests, but i will give you more info later *


uou can tag me your forms or when i have not replied to our roleplay. the only requirements, i required for forms are name, age, and looks. tagging for replies is everyone gets three per day. If its not going anywhere, i will do my best to let you know.

Dominant Males

or dominant males. this roleplay book will have a lot of dominant males. Males who are violent but passionate, males who look so innocent and precious but way different in bed, or kawaii in the streets, freaks in the sheets, the term I prefers. You can only make subs for this  book. You can have a girl oc or a boy oc.


not a word, but who cares. as a descriptive roleplayer, i preferred at least more than six lines. for ex:

mavis was just talking to her friend until someone bump into her. it was a tall, yet muscular male, and to make things better, it was boyfriend. mavis wasn't scared of him, it was the other way around. when they first met, mavis was innocent and sweet and honestly you would never thought she was a domme. her boyfriend, who say her as a conquest, thought he could take her virginity. using her innocent aura,  she was the one that coax him into having sex with him, and that's when her dominant side came out. she treated him like a pet, only letting him eat of dog bowls, spanking him when he does something wrong. when he was failing, she whipped him into shape.  She would do things you wouldn't imagine. for example, when  he failed at an assignment that was extremely easy, she knew what would just drive him crazy and would just tie him up and would just would just masturbate in front of him with a sly smirk, well knowing about his sex addiction. she loved making him feel weak under her to an extent. she likes that her boyfriend can be take control every now and then, but in the long run, they both agreed their dynamic is a good one. nobody was abused, everything was consensual, and they had a safe word. Just as long as they agreed in public that he was the dominant in public

[computer lines: fifteen lines]


okay so now, there is a lot of triggering stuff. the ones I can think on the top of my head, here is the list: 


-abusive relationships (family violence, abusive boyfriend/girlfriend ) 

- sexual abuse 

- depression 

- suicide 

and that's all I can think of off the top of my head. so I want to ask that if your oc have any of these triggering issues, please just keep it on where isn't so triggering for everyone else. my ocs aren't going to be happy lucky. if you can make the sacrifice than I can do it to. Also let me know in pm if you are triggered by anything.

Overpowered Ocs

everyone is not picture perfect. trust me, you would be boring if you was perfect. I need people who has flaws, whether they was insecure about their flaws. Flaws are amazing.


You can have as many as you want. I don't really care. Just keep up with it as I will try to keep up the replies.

Answering  replies 

As I will try to keep up with replies, please keep up with your replies. If you are unable to answer, just let me know why. If you don't answer in two days, I going to tag you and if you don't reply in two days, I am going to delete your chain.


I will most likely break this rule, but it would be only five people per oc. If this book gets popular then I will probably extend it to more people.


I don't want anyone to feel as though we have to roleplay all the time. We can have fun and joke around. If you just want to pm it to me, then go ahead. I don't mind. You can call me anything you feel comfortable with. My name is Zach. What is yours?

Smut and PM RPs 
Some people are uncomfortable with smut and I'm completely okay with that. If you want to time skip it, let me know.
If you want to roleplay in pm, let me know. Also if you want to roleplay in instagram or kik ( i know who still have kik ) or snapchat, I'll send it to you in pm.


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If you can choose any superpower, what would it be?

What would you like to see in this roleplay book? Any ideas are welcome. ( you will be credited )

What is one emoji that describe you?

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