
8 0 0

Circling around the kitchen

Why has nothing changed?
Feed cucumber sandwich to a pigeon
Chipping nail polish on guitar strings
Got a pillow case made out of money
Feelin' pretty fake when I wake up



jordan parker

age: birthday: sign

20- may 21- gemini

sex: gender: pronouns:

male: trans male: he/him

sexuality:: romantic: sexual

panromantic-he opens his arms to everyone and he doesn't care about gender

grey asexual- similar to demisexual, he doesn't have sexual relations, nor get turn on unless he have strong connection with someone. he have a low libido also, which cause him to not masturbate. 




writer:professional cosplayer




french (100%)

english (100%)

spanish (75%)

dominant hand:


Tissue paper castle paper caddy
Scaly little friend's got my backup
Didn't give me time to say goodbye in the way that I wanted to
So honey, close your eyes and stay like you're supposed to do
Don't you wanna give me time to write another song for you?


jordan wasn't always jordan. he was born as a female and he hated everyone... he hated his dysphoria. he hate his chest. he hate his genitals. he hated his hair. he hated how feminine his eyes were. he didn't know why. he lived in a conservative town and his parents didn't believe in social media so he never knew why he was going through this horrible thing. when he was ten, his therapist diagnosed him with body dysmorphia ( as they didn't understand dysphoria and it wasn't considered real ) and his parents sent him to a special place as they was known to cured dysmorphia. did it help? no. it just made it worse. when he turn fifteen, his mother moved to another city, more progressive where he discovered cosplaying and how to passed as more masculine. eighteen, he went to his first con. he meet the handsome, yet famous, (y/n) as jordan had followed him on social media. him and (y/n) hit it off and they dated. they broke up for two reasons: his dysphoria created depression which cause him to be dark and gloomy which cause his partner to constantly be stressed. second; (y/n) was a sexual person while jordan wasn't. jordan wasn't and (y/n) felt neglected and would often talk about his frustrations with his friends and jordan got even more depressed... he couldn't help his lover with sex as he was sending nudes and other things to just keep (y/n) eyes on him. eventually, they broke up. jordan cut his hair and accepted being stressed. him and (y/n) stayed really good friends and do cosplays together as people said they could swear that they can feel the sexual tension with the two. jordan have not been in a relationship for two years, as he love (y/n) still. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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