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For the month of October, the day was quite warm. It almost felt like summer. I enjoyed the weather as I walked home from school. The day ended early because of a flood in the basement. The stupid principal didn't have the pipes checked regularly and one had burst causing water to rush down an entire hallway. I was actually happy that we got out early because the days were growing darker and when school is supposed to end it was so dark outside that I needed to use a flashlight to see anything. Normally I didn't mind walking in the night as I loved the dark but I also loved sunlight. It was so warm and comforting and that day I was able to walk under the sun. There was still a good few hours before it was supposed to set so I could enjoy the rest of the day.

The walk home wasn't that long but it was a decent walk. On most days it took me a good twenty minutes which gave me plenty of time to clear my head from stressful classes or to just think. On that particular day I had something quite troubling on my mind. The third anniversary of my friend's death was quickly approaching... Him, his brother and their parents all died nearly three years ago now... I still found it hard to believe. They were basically like brothers to me. The three of us had been inseparable. Jeffrey, Liu and I were known as the Trio of Trouble by our parents. I missed them dearly.

Fall was our favourite time of the year and once again, the two weren't here to share it with me. I watched as some dead leaves fell from the trees as I walked past a wooded area. I remembered how Jeff, Liu and I would rake up a bunch of leaves so we could play in the pile. We would then take handfuls of leaves and throw it at each other. Sometimes I would tackle one of the brothers and shove the dead crunchy leaves down their shirts. I smiled sadly at the memory. I remembered everything. Their smiles, their laughs and the games we would play. The day I saw the news of their deaths... After watching the report I became numb inside. I didn't know what to do or how to react. At first I didn't want to believe that it was even real. I thought that maybe it was just a bad dream and that I would wake up to find another letter sent by the brothers to my house, telling me how their week had gone.

I went into a severe depression after that. I still remember that day. I remember going to get some food from the fridge when the news report came on. At first I didn't pay much attention to it but when I heard the names I froze. When the reporter said that the whole family was dead I dropped the glass I was holding and rushed over to the TV. I saw pictures of their house. They even flashed some pictures of the family. The first picture was of his parents and they were smiling. I remembered when and where it was taken. It was taken at my sixth birthday party at their house. They were standing in their living room drinking some wine when my mom snapped the picture for her photo album. She made one for Jeff, Liu and I each year. She was basically their second mother. Then the next picture appeared on screen. It was of the two brothers sitting on the couch in their superhero pajamas. I couldn't exactly recall when that was taken but it was probably when I wasn't at their house.

I remembered that I didn't cry at first. I just sat on the ground in front of the TV, completely frozen as I processed the information. I didn't know how to react. I didn't even believe that it was real. When it finally hit me I burst into tears. I cried so much that I felt like I couldn't breathe. My mom tried to comfort me but when I felt her hand on my shoulder, I shoved her off and ran into my room where I slammed the door shut. I didn't want anyone to comfort me. I just needed to be alone so I could process the news. I didn't even make it to my bed. I leaned against the door as I sat on the ground and cried until the tears stopped coming. My parents let me stay home from school for the next week so I could try and recover. From that moment on I refused to eat, sleep or even leave my bed. After a few weeks of this my parents forced me into therapy but it didn't help that much. It took a while, months before I began to move on with my life. I still thought about the two but I had no choice but try and live a normal life. After the first year it got a bit easier but it didn't hurt any less. The second year passed and I felt a little more like my old self but I didn't smile. After the day I saw the news I never smiled, not once. It was like I forgot how to smile. The third year was approaching and while I adjusted to life without them I knew I would never be the same. Without those two, life wasn't as fun anymore...

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