Chapter Nineteen

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I drove for the rest of the night. I was running on pure adrenaline for the majority of the ride. Adrenaline from killing that creep and from running away. I didn't stop. I was going to empty out this gas tank and when I glanced at the gas meter I saw I would be able to go for maybe another hour or so. I should probably start looking for a remote location to dump this car. I must have gone three towns over at this point. I was far enough away to take a break. I pulled off the highway on to a back road and drove until I made it to a lake. From where I was, all I had to do was push this heap of metal off a cliff and it would be submerged under water. I parked it just at the edge and unloaded my bags. I then took out another alcohol wipe and wiped down the whole interior of the car. I couldn't risk the police lifting my prints if the water didn't wash them away. When I was positive that every inch of the car had been cleaned I put the car in drive, walked to the back and began pushing with all my strength. It was just enough to tip the car off the edge and I watched as it tumbled down the steep cliff and into the water below. It sank to the bottom and when it reached the bottom it was impossible to see even after the dirt settled. Perfect.

I picked up my bags and went down the long road which led back to the highway. Back to hitchhiking for me. And that was my life for the next six days. It took a bit longer than I expected but I did have to walk for a while before coming across some people who were willing to help me. Most drove right by me which was understandable. There aren't that many who would want to pick up a total stranger walking along the road. I did encounter two genuine people who wanted to help me and they were older woman who had a strong maternal instinct. Those two I let live and we actually had nice conversations. Of course they wanted to know why I was hitchhiking and I said I was on the run from an abusive ex which wasn't that far from the truth. After hearing that they both surprisingly offered to buy me a meal which I kept as cheap as possible. I felt bad for them paying for me but they gave me no chance to deny them. At least I was able to save some money but what they didn't know what that I had made quite a bit already.

I had to unfortunately get into three different cars with guys who were just like the first man who had picked me up. It turns out they were all rich men who carried lots of cash on them. I of course offered sex for a ride which they accepted but before anything could happen I killed them and robbed their bodies. I then drove the cars as far as I could before dumping them somewhere deep in the woods. I knew they would be discovered in a matter of time but it would be long enough for me to get far enough away that it was no longer my problem. Including the items I took from the bodies I made a grand total of 12,768 dollars. I sold most of the items along the way and when I arrived at my destination of Denver, Colorado I sold the last of them and counted up how much I had. When I combined that amount with the money I already had I got 13, 368 dollars in total. I was super rich and this would be enough to sustain me for quite a while. Now I just needed to find a place to call home that was off the grid but where to go? I was halfway across the country and far enough away from the asylum that I could settle here but I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted to do.

I decided to stay in town for the next little while to think over my next step. I avoided going to any public tourist attractions because I wanted to keep as much attention away from myself as possible but it was hard in such a big city. I had never left my small town in my life so this was quite the shock. The population here was around three-hundred and fifty times bigger than my town and I felt like I got lost after two steps. The woman who had dropped me off was kind enough to leave me at a nice café with Wi-Fi so I pulled out my tablet and did some research on the area. I took some screenshots from Google Maps to keep in case I got lost then went on my way. I needed a place to stay which was out of sight of the police should they somehow track me down. I didn't think my disappearance would get media attention outside of my town as the people probably suspected I was a victim of The Skeleton but you never know...

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