November 9th, 20BBY

968 43 7

Dear Diary,

    I have some very exciting news: I'm now part of a secret team of Senators that are quietly and descretly planning a way to end the war. How exciting is that!?!

   Last night, Bail invited me to a meeting with Mon Mothna. Mon said that her and Bail have formed an alliance to stop the Clone Wars once and for all and they would like me to join. I was hesitant to agree because of all the risk in it. But then I realized something: Anakin spent two weeks unconscious for the sake of the Republic. How is it fair for me not to at least try to help?

     So I said yes. It's all so exciting to be part of something that could become so big! I believe that we can nd this war.

     However, I don't know how to explain it all to Anakin. I know I will have to tell him one day. But maybe that won't be so bad. Maybe he'll want to join too.

    Hey, I can dream can't I?

                               Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1

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