A Horrifying Realization

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So Ruby and Yang have seen something horrible. Time to see what happens next.

3rd POV

Ruby and Yang are speechless at what their looking at their older brother with a noose around his neck and a gun to his head.


Ruby's scream got everyone's attention. The family rushed to your room to see the same horrific sight.


Qrow yells as he rushes to get the gun from your hands barely hitting it as the trigger was pulled.

Everyone: [Y/N].

Qrow goes to your body, barely finding a pulse.

Qrow: He's still alive, I'll call a hospital.

As he does so, the rest of the family find a wet note next to your bed.

Summer: What's this?

She opens the note and reads it out loud.

Dear family

I'm sorry for being a waste of human life.

Ruby and Yang, you must be embarrassed to have a worthless brother like me.

Raven, I sorry for being a weakling and having no potential.

Taiyang and Summer, I'm sorry for even existing.

P.S. Happy birthday Ruby.

Everyone felt guilty about what they just heard. Raven however noticed something about the note.

Raven: Wait this isn't red ink, it's blood!

Eventually The paramedics came to get [Y/N] as Qrow left with them.

Ruby's thoughts: Big brother I'm so sorry for never helping you

Yang's thoughts: How could I be so cruel to my own brother?

Raven's thoughts: Am I so weak I need to attack a child?

Summer's thoughts: How could I allow this to happen?

Tai's thoughts: Is this all my fault?


Everyone is at the hospital. As they are waiting to hear what's wrong with [Y/N].

Qrow: So why are you here?

Summer: Qrow we're sorry, we found a note by [Y/N] and realized what horrible things we put him through.

Qrow: You really think saying sorry will fix this?

Raven: Qrow I know what we did was unforgivable but please we want to make amends.

It gets quiet for a while before.

Qrow: Alright. But if this is an act, I'll make you pay for it.


Eventually the doctor comes out with a report on [Y/N].

Qrow: How bad is it?

Doctor: Worse case I've seen. The boy has a broken arm, (Yang felt guilty about this) bullets in his legs, (Ruby and Summer felt guilty about this) a severe cut to his eye (Raven felt guilty about this) broken ribs and spine and a fractured skull (Tai felt guilty about this) as well as brain damage. On top of all that he's in a coma.

Summer: Any idea when he'll wake up?

Doctor: Could be months even years, especially with what we discovered.

Raven: What did you find out?

Doctor: His aura is in a critical state.

Tai: What does that mean?

Doctor: Well aura is used to heal wounds right? Well seems like his was being used just to keep him alive.

Ruby: Will he be alright doctor?

Doctor: I don't know but we'll try our best.

With that the family left, hoping [Y/N] will be ok?

Chapter 2 finished. What will happen.to [Y/N] and the family now. Only time will tell.

Crushed Rose (RWBY X Negative Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now