A Meeting and A Farewell

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Ozpin is about to meet [Y/N], what will he think of the boy and can he help him? Also announcement at the end.

Ozpin POV

Summer took me to [Y/N]'s room because he seems to be scared of meeting other people. Once we arrived she knocked on his door before opening it slowly.

Summer: [Y/N], there is someone here who wants to meet you.

Once I got in the doorway, the boy started cowering in fear. Summer imminently ran to comfort him.

Summer: It's okay [Y/N], he's a good friend of mine.

Ozpin: Hello [Y/N], my name is Ozpin, it's nice to meet you,

The young boy seemed to have calmed down a bit after seeing that I wasn't going to hurt him.

Ozpin: Summer, could I talk to [Y/N] in private.

Summer nodded and left the room closing the door behind her.

Ozpin: So [Y/N] I heard you wanted to become a hunter is that true?

He shook his head looking sad.

Ozpin: Why not?

He grabbed some paper and a pencil and wrote a response.

[Y/N]: Because I'm weak.

Ozpin: Who says your weak?

It seems that [Y/N] didn't have an answer for my question.

Ozpin's thoughts: Perhaps this boy does have some memories of his dark past that haunt him.

Ozpin: Why aren't you talking?

It seems he's a bit more hesitant to anwser that question then the last one.

[Y/N]: ...Because I'll get in trouble for speaking and then I'll get hurt.

Ozpin: Don't worry, I promise I won't hurt you.

I can tell by the look on his face he doesn't seem to believe what I said.

Ozpin's thoughts: It seems [Y/N] has a hard time warming up to others. I'll need to find a way to gain his trust, because I can sense a lot of potential inside him. I'll need to think about how to do so.

Ozpin: Well it was nice meeting you [Y/N], but I have to go. I would be honored if we could talk again.

The young boy just slightly nodded as I left his room. After closing his door, I went back to talk with Qrow.

Qrow: Well?

Ozpin: There may be hope for [Y/N], but it will take time. I try to help as best I can.

Qrow: Thanks Ozpin. It really means a lot to me.

As I was leaving I noticed Tai seemed to be thinking about something. I decided not to question it as I made my way to the bullhead.

3rd POV

Tai called everyone for a family meeting after dinner to discuss something.

Qrow: So what did you want to talk about?

Tai: ...I'm leaving.

Everyone was surprised by what he just said.

Qrow: What do you mean your leaving?

Tai: I mean that I think it's better for [Y/N] if I left. After everything I did to him, I don't deserve to even be near him.

Qrow: So your running away?

Tai: No. After our conversation about why I abused [Y/N], I realized that I had no reason to do it. I even turned everyone against him, it would be better if I was as far away from him as possible.

Ruby and Yang: Please don't go daddy.

Tai: Ruby, Yang, promise me you'll keep your brother safe. He'll need all the help he can get.

Yang: Don't worry dad we promise.

Ruby: We'll keep him safe no matter what.

Tai: I'm counting on you two. Raven, Summer, I'm sorry for getting both of you to turn on [Y/N]. Hopefully he can forgive you.

Summer: I hope so too, I want us to be a real family this time.

Tai: That would be nice. Qrow, you better make sure that kid becomes a hunter.

Qrow: Don't worry, I'll make sure of that.

Tai: Well, guess it's time for me to go. Good luck helping [Y/N].

Qrow: Just try not to get killed out there.

Tai: Hey, have some faith in me.

As Tai was leaving, unbeknownst to everyone someone else has been watching them for a while.

???: So Ozpin hopes to get that child as an ally. I guess I'll have to speed up my plans then.

O.k. here's the thing I do have an ending planned for this story, however I do also have an alternate ending planned out as well. So what I'm going to do is write both endings and I'll go into more details about them and the future of this story once there finished.

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