Chapter 10: Some Type

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"So are you going."-

"Harley." Oh my God, stop brining this bitch around me. I love drama. And I like to keep my voice...oh wait are we going to fight? Or are we...and you're gone. Can I just skip this and become a cynic already.
"You're spacing out again."
I laugh, "where's your other half?" I asked. "The same place yours is oh wait you don't have one."

Gritting my teeth I take a deep breath and roll my eyes.

"No comeback?"

I shake my head. "Nah I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you but bitchbegone. I'm tired of you. It's like you have nothing better else to do but annoy me. You're the least exciting thing to ever happen now waste away." With a clap I skip off.

"Did she just? No one...I'm the bitch."

"Grayson." He walks away awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

After class I stop in mid walk to gaze upon Tyler who stood beside a bench. Just walk past him he doesn't even see you. "Hey Har."


"Tyler." I stopped to turn to him. Why am I one if these dumb bitches? I hate rom- coms. Oh I see, you're trying to prove a point to yourself. "How's the author?"

I gasp, "uh."-

"Babe, let's go. She's rude and bitter." Rolling my eyes I walk away.
"I heard your brother broke up with her." Tyler looks down at her.
"Seriously?" She nods, "by the way my parents are coming over to further discuss our deal." Pecking his cheek she guides him away.

"Oh you're wake." Flipping Grayson off I slouch as I walk over to the couch.
"What are you watching?" I asked with a yawn.

"Pretty In Pink."
I hop over the couch and sit in between them. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner? You know this is my movie...ooh popcorn." I said snatching the bowl from her and stuffing my mouth.
"Har, the movie was meant for us to you know."-

"I see...I'll take the popcorn and go." I said clutching onto the bowl.
"Or you can leave the bowl."
I shake my head. "Oh hell nah, you can't be picky bitch you want the sex or popcorn cuz I can cock-block you." Shaking his head he helps me up. "I hope you clean the couch you nasty heathens. Love sucks."-

Knock knock

"Who's there?" I asked almost tripping on my feet to get to the door. "It's Tyler." I stop in mid run and turn towards them. "It's Tyler, Gray, open the door." I pout like a little five year old. "You're a bad bitch remember." I frown, "look here I am."-

"Somebody please open the door!" I open the door, "excuse you? You don't live here secondly, hi, third bye." As I was inches away
From closing the door he quickly pushes the door back. "Grayson." I squeak as Tyler ushers forward. "Take it outside." I turn to stick my tongue out at him before walking out into the hallway and close the door behind me. "So."

"Your relationship with my brother didn't last." Neither does any of my relationships but it's okay, I was meant to be alone. "Yea, he got someone pregnant apparently and if he didn't want to be with me he could've told me you know? But whatever. But it's nice you're concerned." I gently punch his cheek. "It's probably for the best."

"Why do you say that?"

"You lie with one us you'll get hurt." Biting my lip I smile, "oh I know. See ya." Walking towards the door I notice that it's locked. "Oh hell no! I live here! This is unfair! Hey um Tyler you wanna go help me."-

"What...oh you can not be that desperate."

"I'm not he was...I don't know. Wait are you here to get me back?" Tyler shakes his head. "Because that's so cute...yes." you weak soul, he just lied to you, yet you know but you don't care. The irony man. "No...I was just here to grab him." I nod, "oh I see. Well don't let me stop you." I unpin my hair and use the Bobby pin to open the door.

Slamming the door behind me our neighbor hurries and covers herself. "Love is dead." I said before rumbling through the cabinets. "Oh no she's going for the frosting, Har no." I fall on my ass. "Why?"

"Rain check. I gotta help her." He says putting on his boxers. "Har, I hope you're happy." I pout. "Don't be rude, you can go without dick for a day." Stomping out our apartment I sigh. "You didn't have stop for me." He kneels down besides me before sitting down. "No...why can't I be normal?" He taps my nose, "because you'd be boring. Stop it you're amazing." I shrugged. "I used to not think about this sort of stuff but now I do. It's just so annoying. I blame my mother." He pecks my forehead.

"Okay, let's dig in." He says opening up the can. "I love you okay Har?" I nod. "I know that's why we're bestfriends." He chuckled. " the way how is your mother?" I shrug. "On the run alot."

"This author is really rushing through this, we might end up together." I utter. "What?" Quickly I stuff my mouth with my food. 'The phone is ringing' don't judge me the wonder pets was that shit okay. "I'll get it."

"You are childish...I'll leave you to your phone call."

Harely- Hey dad

Dad- hey told me to call and check on you...we miss you

Harely- where's mom?

Dad- right here wanna talk to her?

Harely- yes please

Mom- hello sweetheart how are you

Harely- fine, I met a guy who turned out to be another asshole

Mom- what happened to Tyler?

Harely- oh he died

Mom- that's awful I wonder how his family is feeling

Harely- I'm kidding he's alive he's just dead to me

Mom- T, don't joke about that okay now go have fun love you bye

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