Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall!

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Mirror, mirror, on the wall if I turn around will I fall? I hear a still small voice saying my word say's to you we all come short of god's glory every day of our live's so why are you talking to a mirror, a mirror can't talk to you, but I sure can! I look around to find someone in the room with me and as I look back, it's me.. My reflection! I ask myself should I be scared then all of a sudden I start to pray thinking if I pray this will it go away,  " so I pray to God! " God , sweet Heavenly Father; let me be a reflection of you, to show the world a different light and showing this world we all can make a difference, honestly at times I don't know what people would actually think if lil ole' me could show this world your presence and your never ending love, so be like a mirror to me and let me be able to prove them otherwise, that this world can change in a blink of an eye, let your love reflect other's through me. Because you know what a shape this world is! In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN!
Someone knocks on the door and scares me, Elizabeth Brooke, it's time to leave we're gonna be late for bible study.. It's my mom! " Mom " you just scared me to death "Mom" replies back, Sorry but we've been ready for  15 minutes and it's a 30 minute drive to church! You know we mustn't be late, the last time we were late " I finish the sentence" I know, we were so late because I was praying and forgot what time it was.. My sister Chasity say's if I prayed that much I'd runout of words to say! Let's go, you two, dad is already at church, " mom say's " after work he stopped at Olive Garden for supper with the boss afterwards and he's waiting on us at the Church, he had beat us to church, but he called and said he had got there a bit early!
"After Bible study" we headed home and by the time we got back my boyfriend waited up for me, he actually lives in the same neighborhood, but to be honest he times me every day we have bible study so we can hang out and watch movies! I see him on our porch. My dad is the first to get out of the car, so he comes to the car and helps me out, and walks me to the door and comes in and we pop popcorn and order some pizza's and watch movies til 10:30 because his mom is ready for him to come home by then, because he has to wake her up early every morning to wake her up for work and his brother's and sister's for school. After he leaves I go grab my silk pajama's and silk Robe and go take me a long hot shower, because it helps me sleep at night, afterwards I go to my parents room and I give them a kiss goodnight, because they are always up in bed reading books.

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