Meeting the Ice Clan

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There was a time on which that there was peace within the clans and love between many but when the fire clan wanted more and that then bought war with the water and ice clans making the water clan to be illimateded only leaving one left a daughter of water with mortal blood, she was special and her handmaiden took her into care in the mortal world where she was disused as a mortal with black hair and eyes of brown making the fire clan to never find her at all. Time passed for the girl to become a woman making her to be walking with her little sister with a skip in her steps, "I wonder what mama cooked today?" the girl questions for me to put a finger under my chin on that, "maybe something really yummy" I answer as the girls then get to the tree that they race from, "ok you know the rules" the little girl says for me to give her look on that, "no climbing the trees, using my teleportation and running faster then you" I list off with my fingers for her to smile onto me at that but when we get ready there is a bang for us to jump seeing soldiers clad in red exit the mountain making me to stand there with my little on that, "you mortals where is your ruler" one questions for a man to then step out looking to be a king for my head to hurt, "Shin" my sister says for me to grip my head on that, "mortal" the man says for me to look to my sister nodding for her to run off and hide, "this is not your realm fire clan" I drawing out my swords for the king to smirk at me, "and who are you to question me and my army? mortal girl" the man says for me to breath moving swiftly to have my swords covered in water for me to open my eyes while in my fighting position now, "I am the spirit guardian of the northern forest and who ever enters here will be forever doomed by my blade of water" I say for the soldiers to charge making me to spin to kill them easily and then joining the swords together charging forward with speed aiming for the king for his fire to knock me back making me to be knocked back making me to land on the ground with thump, "you puny, little mortal girl will never win against me at all" the man says for a ice sphere to then appear for two men to step out then, "fire king this is not your realm at all" the first one says for me to get up with ease. 

"I had it handled" I hiss for the men look onto me noticing the white hair and blue eyes, "really?" they question making me to spin around making me to make a water to come around making me to slam my hands together for the water to slam into the fire soldiers for them to disappear making me to smile on that for my guardians to then appear after there, "princess" my handmaiden says for me to smile at her as my soldiers stand tall with there swords, "I will return and you princess Shin will be the last to fall of water clan to fall then" he says for me to frown on that forming a sphere to then look at him with smirk, "lets see that" I say making me to spin aiming my sphere but the fire king leaves then. The ice princes sit there making me to watch them closely at my post by the leader, "you have met Shin it seems?" the general says for me to huff on that wanting to be with my sister now, "yes she demonstrated her powers well" the eldest says for me to look at him with wonder in my eyes knowing of the ice clan but why is that there is no power in him at all and there is a feeling he is not immortal at all, "you've lost your magic and immortally" I out loud for everyone to stare on me, "Shin" General says for me to not move my eyes from the eldest, "I am right" I say while watching the ice prince, "who are you to question eldest brother" the youngest brother says for me to frown on that looking at him a little, "she is the last of the water clan" the eldest brother says for us to look onto him, "Ka Suo that can't be the fire clan wiped them out long ago" the youngest prince says for me to stand there for the Ka Suo to look at the general, "change her back" Ka Suo orders for the general to wave a hand over me making my hair to become light blue with dark blue streaks in it and then my eyes changing to ocean blue, "I am sorry Shin" General says for me to look at him with shock, "your parents ordered me until you were ready to learn but the ice clan can see through my charms now" he says for me to stand there looking to the ground, "I wish to speak with the ice king this day" I say to look at the princes now for Ka Suo to nod on that standing to hold out a hand to me making me to take it. 

I walk in with the princes for the people to look onto me as I enter with some whispering on me, "whose she?" one questions, "her hair is different then others" another says for me to make it to the king for the princes to stand out of the way as I bow down on one knee as I have a hand placed on my heart, "stand" the king says for me to stand to then finally to look on the king who gasps on me, "you can't be here" he says for people to murmur then, "I have questions ice king" I say for him to shake his head on that, "I promised your father that you were to never step here again" the man says for me to grip my hands into fists, "I have the right to know on what happened to the water clan and why I am the only one left this day" I say for people to gasp on that, "the water clan" people whisper making me to hold my fists tighter making me to glare onto the ice king, "my father and mother died protecting me but you do not talk on it because you are my father's friend and you wish to protect his little fragile daughter when I have growed to be a guardian of the north forest" I say for the king to watch me making me to turn around to the people moving my hands up making the water to move from the jugs and to make a pattern to appear in the sky making people to gasp and clap on my skill for it to then be turned to snow after that for me to turn back to the king seeing that Ying Kong Shi did it for people to clap on our skills, "I wish to not acknowledge you princess Shin because you were promised to Ying Kong Shi because you were born the same day" the king says for me to look at the man there with Ka Suo who glares at me making me to gulp in knowing on him begin cold since we met now, "then I will not worry you further on my title with me only wanting to become apart of the mermaid clan" I say for all of us to look at the mermaid clan for the princess to nod on that making everyone to clap for me to curtsy leaving there to stand with the mermaid clan for the young princess to smile onto me making me to return her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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