Chapter 1: A Calling!

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        A gentle theme begins to play as a girl is shown drifting in darkness. Her eyes were closed as her blue and pink hair seemed to move as if blown by wind. She floated as if in an endless sleep. "Whispers of who I was, who I'm meant to be." Riku is shown standing on Destiny Islands staring up at the sky as he was surrounded by his friends. "They're constantly... echoing!" Riku's silver hair is blown in the wind as he closes his sea-green eyes. "And beckoning!" Flashes of Riku's younger form wandering the world of darkness is shown. "Cast my home aside, lead me into the sky!" The girl is shown as she appears in flashes before Aqua's guiding light is shown. "Just realize what our destiny holds!" Riku is shown standing below Aqua's light as he searches the darkness for the girl. "Our stories untold! Just waiting to rise!" The girl is shown with her eyes open as tears streamed down her cheeks. The music fades to silence as the girl is shown grabbing her head as memories are shown. "Guided blindly by shadows within the dark!" The girl lets out a silent scream as she's shown being engulfed by darkness as she sinks into it. "Is this what's become of me? An enemy?" Riku is shown in his form as Evil Ansem before he's shown with the cloth over his face. "Cast my sight away, lead me into the night! Can't fight away what has taken control! Of all that I know! And stolen my light!" Riku is shown in his current form shaking away the memories of when he was in his weakest as he places his hand on his chest. A light resonates under his hand and becomes brighter. "With this burden I bear, I'm alone! There's so many mistakes to atone! You deserve so much better than this broken soul!" Riku and Mickey are shown running around the Realm of Darkness searching for the girl. "I must fight this battle on my own! But I will prove to you how I have grown!" Riku is shown arriving at the location the girl is and finds her floating surrounded by a vortex of darkness. The music once more goes silent as Riku rushes forward with his keyblade drawn. A horde of heartless surrounds the girl and Riku fights them off. "Cast the past into the darkness that still lies! To be with you, I will do what I must!" Riku is shown reaching for the girl as he'd jumped up towards her. "I'll hold tight your trust! I'll be by your side!" Riku is shown grabbing onto the girl and ended up holding her bridal style. "Don't be afraid, what was lost can be found! Hear what I say, don't let go of my hand!" Riku is shown taking her hand as the two appear on the Destiny Island beach. "Our futures unplanned! Our destinies bound!" The girl is shown opening her eyes before Riku and she are shown staring into each other's eyes.

[Destiny Islands]

It's been six months since Sora vanished. Riku had been spending his time working with Aqua to get their friends to be full Keyblade Masters. It hadn't been going well since all Roxas, Axel, Isa and Xion liked to do was goof off. Terra, Ventus and Aqua also had a lot to catch up on as well so everything was slow going. Naminè and Kairi were always hanging out together as well. Most days, Riku spent the day just sparing with Mickey while he waited for his friends to show interest in training. Most of the group stayed on their hang out spot on Destiny Island so most of the time they were together. It was mainly all fun and games though. Riku couldn't complain he enjoyed spending time with everyone even if he did miss his best friend.

Late one evening, Riku lay sleeping soundly. All was quiet in his room. Everyone had pretty much settled down and they were actually resting as well. Moonlight seemed into Riku's room through the window. As Riku slept, he dreamt of the first time he'd been in the Realm of Darkness. He'd been guided by Aqua to escape the Realm of Darkness. But even in the guiding light of Aqua, Riku hadn't felt like he was alone.

Suddenly, in his dream, Riku was standing in the Realm of Darkness. He looked around in shock before he notices that he was back in his younger form. He looks himself over before looking around once more. He calls out wondering why he was there. He hears something so he turns and sees a girl with blue hair atop her hair before it blended into pink around the ears and went to shoulder length. Her blue eyes looked like they had stars inside them. She turns to look at him. Her mouth moves and Riku's eyes widen in shock.

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