Chap 4: Andi

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You're in your office listening to Sean

"I have recently have been having these headaches and they are rather small they are becoming regular. For some reason my headaches sound like scratchy static, it is really annoying"

"What have you been doing that may spark these headaches?"

"That's the thing I don't know. Whenever I have a headache I normally can't fully remember what happened before. This occurs mostly when I play games, especially horror games"

"Ok, then when-"

"Y/n, my head is really hurting, I really need to go to the bathroom"

"Don't abandon me though"

Instead of laughing or responding as he usually does, he rushes out the door to the bathroom. You note that down. You stay there trying to figure out what just happened there. I mean it's the little things you have to note down.

Sean P.O.V

I run to the bathroom as I am unable to think and hear clearly. I try to just focus on my breathing as Y/N says it helps with all situations. I look up and I am now looking into the mirror, I see a black eye with a green iris yet my other eye is normal. I saw myself give me a big, wide kind of psychotic smile although I am positive I am too terrified right now to smile. That was the last thing I saw before I collapsed on the floor.

Your P.O.V

Sean has returned from the bathroom that was honestly quite quick. I look at him greeting him to come inside but you then realise he has a very realistic gash across his neck. You think it's him doing some sort of cosplay or something like that. He then sits down so you decide to compliment him by saying 

"That looks very realistic and to be able to do such a good job in such a short time as well"

All he does is give me a sort of psychotic smile. I then notice that his left eye is black with a green iris you think it's cool and that it actually think it complements his scar.

You then realise he had been staring at me almost analysing me which is a first. I decided to note that down.

 You then ask "Do you feel better now?"

"I could never be better darling"

You think to myself Ja- Sean is always kind and charismatic but not quite flirty it was probably a one-off thing.

"So continuing from before when did you first notice these headaches?"

"Headaches, darling I don't have any but I do have an ache for you"

Definitely a bit on the unusual side. Not only has he forgot about his headaches but he's acting differently. You might note down that this happened after he came back from the bathroom. As you write this down he asks

"Are you writing about me because that would be a first."

Just as your finishing your notes Sean says

"You know what, you would look cute if I engrave a permanent smile on your face... Or maybe if I gave you a scar just like mine."

He grabs his long knife and points it at your neck while grinning creepily.

You were a bit taken back for words making you worried and confused; was he trying to threaten you with his knife. So you and Sean sit in awkward silence while he kept creepily grinning at you. Your mind races with thoughts like when did he get that knife? why is he pointing it at me? why would he even say that in general?. You then realize that these might be the thoughts Sean was talking about in the first session how they're a bit disturbing. You remember that Sean wasn't able to say them out loud yet he said these with ease. 

You finally blurt out "What are you feeling right now?"

He sits there wondering what to say in response. You wonder why he isn't opening up about this, he normally would with simple stuff like this? You say with concern

"Sean, are you o-"

He screams loudly in a kind of glitchy voice "D̸̦͐ó̶͖n̴̠͌'̴̫́t̴͍̿ ̸͚͒c̵̹̉à̵͙l̷̛̥l̵͇͛ ̵̤̅m̸̩̈́ẻ̴̼ ̶̭̅t̶͓̚h̷͇́a̷͍͐ṫ̴̡!"

You are suddenly wondering did his voice kind of sound glitchy?

He then calms himself and says "I mean call me An-, Andi"

He says under his breath you almost can't hear him saying stupid jack, but you think it's just you.

You finally realise, Ohh, this isn't Sean. Now I understand

I see his face filled with concern as I thought that. What was he thinking?

While I jot that fact down Andi says with slight concern

"Yea, Andi is my nickname I prefer"

 You look at the time and realise that the session was finished

"Sea- Andi it is the end of the session so just pay and wave goodbye and you can be on your way"

You see Sean halfway out the door so I turn around to put my papers away and you feel a gust of wind towards my direction. Confused I turn around and see Andi right in front of my face, you realise he must have moved very fast yet almost silently. Before I could think of anything else you see him pull out the knife he previously had and says "don't forgot what I said". As you are about to ask to remember what, he puts his knife against my lips. Most people in this situation would be terrified but as a therapist, you feel it is my role to whole-heartedly (within reason) to trust him. He starts grinning in a very violent way, you stand very steadily and he says in a psychotic tone


And he walks out with a casual strut. You, however, are still unsure of what he meant.

When you are definitely positive that Andi is no longer in the radius of the building, you decide to finish your notes

Today Sean told me that he was getting headaches (when playing horror games particularly), he then got certain pains and went to the bathroom. He then came back with a scar on his neck and his left eye black and his iris green. He began to act differently as he was more cocky, flirty, more eerie and disturbing. He is called "Andi" when he's mad or acting egotistic his voice in a way kind of glitches. He likes knives and acts presumptuously.

You think to yourself he must have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). This is a problem because then he has to go to a different therapist who specialises in DID. In a way, he does experience depression but you can not in any way help him with his DID. You also can't just have the opportunity to help Jack and resign from it. You promised you would help him, how do I know this other therapist can help him. If Andi comes back and you can't handle him you will give him over to another therapist. Maybe If I can I might try to ask if something happened during his childhood, as that is the most likely cause of DID.

A/N: sorry if it's confusing since I switch from second to the first person but if its first person it should be because you're thinking it (or I accidentally put it there)

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