Chapter 10

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I walked down the stairs in the manor and noticed that Paddy was speaking to Draco about something and I remembered that his parents were coming around for lunch, I smiled as I looked over to him, "Draco have you told your parents about you and Ron yet" I asked and he sighed as he looked to me and shook his head, "I don't know how to tell them Dora" he said to me and sighed, "I mean my mother won't have a problem with Ron and I, it will be my father that does because he is all into the old fashioned way of thinking" he said to me and I smiled, "I think that you need to speak to them Draco, he might surprise you" I said to him, Draco looked to me and laughed, "I don't think so" he said. I sighed as I looked to them, "well I think that we need to sit them down and explain this to them, I don't think that they would disown you" Ron said and I jumped, "have you always been there" I asked and he nodded, "yeah, Pandora I said hi as you walked in" he said to me and I looked to him, "no you didn't, you weren't here" I said and he rolled his eyes, "you're really not all there" he said making me grin, Draco smirked as he looked over to Ron, "my father is a Malfoy Ron, you need to remember that" Draco explained to him.

Ron looked to him and smiled, "I don't think your father would mind you being with your soul mate" Ron said and Draco laughed, "you have to remember that dad couldn't marry who he wanted because of his father and dad is now his father which I know he doesn't like" he said to him and I looked to him, "Dray I think Ron is right" I said to him and Ron looked shocked that I was siding with him, "he might not like the idea but he wouldn't disown you because then your mother would have something to say about it and well we both know how scary your mother is" I explained to him and he looked to me and sighed, "please do remember that I come from a pureblood family Dora" he said to me and I nodded, "I am aware of that" I said to him and he sighed, "I don't think that he will roll over on this because he is my soul mate" Dray said to me, I looked to him and took his hands, "do you remember when you told your parents that we were dating" I asked and noticed that Paddy was looking at me, "What" he asked and I smiled, "in a bit" he said to me and smiled as Draco looked to me, "I remember" he said to me and I laughed, "and what did your mum and dad say" I asked and he laughed as he looked to me, "that they were happy" he said and I nodded, "they will be fine" I said to him and smiled as Paddy looked to me, "we will be speaking about this later" he said to me.

I nodded and watched as Paddy got up from where he was sitting and walked over to Draco and smiled, "do you love him Draco" Paddy asked and Draco smiled as he looked to him and nodded, "of course I do Sirius, what kind of question is that" Dray said and Paddy smiled, "then Dora is right isn't she, you know that they wouldn't disown you but if he does I will make sure that you are able to live on your own being that I am the heir and head of the black name" he said to him and I noticed that Dray looked to him with tears in his eyes and smiled, "you would do that for me" he asked and Paddy smiled, "of course I would Draco, you are family to us and in the end we always look out for family" he said to him. I smiled as I walked over to Paddy and kissed his cheek, "will you be alright without me for a couple of hours" I asked and he nodded, "of course, aren't you out with Molly this afternoon" he asked and I smiled, "yeah and the girls as they wanted to come for a while" I said to him. Paddy smiled as he looked to me, "well make sure that your safe because I don't want you to be hurt" he said to me and I smiled as I put my hand on his cheek, "I promised them that I would spend some time with them and well you know that I keep my promises, so we are only going to be spending the day with each other, there is no one safer for me when you're not around" I explained and Paddy smiled, "okay then" he said to me and kissed me.

I walked over to Molly and smiled as she stopped what she was doing and looked to me, I smiled and looked over to her, "want to go shopping now or after the Malfoy's come" I asked her and she looked to me, "well I would like to go now as I don't really get along with Lucius and Narcissa, they are coming for Sirius and that is all that matters" Molly said to me. I smiled as she looked over to Ginny and Hermione, "are you ready to go now or do you need some time to get ready" she asked and they nodded, "of course we are ready to go now, we have been looking forward to spending the day with our wayward Slytherin" Hermione said and I laughed as I looked to her, "hey I like being in Slytherin, it makes me different to all you Gryffindor's" I said and Hermione rolled her eyes at me. I laughed as I turned to her and grinned, "Come on then" I said to them and smirked as I turned to Ginny and noticed that she was looking worried, "I think that we can have some fun" I said. I grinned as I walked back over to Paddy and smiled as I reached up and quickly gave him a kiss, "I'll see you later" I said.

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