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"No." Is all I can say to the dress Wendy hands to me. "Yes." She replies and hands me a pair of white pumps, I cringe. Heels again? Yesterday I nearly snapped my ankles because of them. "No. This dress is too tight and white," I lay it back on the bed and walk over to my wardrobe and scroll through the racks until I find a pretty long sleeved red dress. I pick it off of the hanger and show her. "I'll make an exception. But those shoes don't match with that dress so I'm gonna have to go for another look, " She walks back to the closet and appears a few seconds later with a pair of black heeled boots that end at the ankle.

"Put these on and then I'll do your makeup, " She walks out the room and I shrug on the dress, zipping it up at the back. I slide my boots on and zip them up. I walk over to the mirror and flatten the dress out with my hand. I pinch my cheeks and walk out into the living room. Wendy is sitting crossed-legged on the sofa with her makeup bag, she pats the space in front of her and I wobble over to her and sit down on the couch. "Makeup like last night?" She asks and I nod. "I'm gonna add some eyeliner this time, okay?" She asks and starts adding the primer.

"Okie dokie, " I mutter out and look down at my phone whilst she does my face.

"All finished. Yay, or nay?" She lifts the mirror up to my face. I smile and nod. "Yay, " I rise up from the sofa and walk back into my bedroom. The doorbell rings and I spritz some perfume on my chest and wrist. "Alpha Dylan, a pleasure, " Wendy's voice mutters from out there. I grab my clutch bag and drop my phone in it, as well as mascara and a little bottle of perfume. I walk back out and smile as I see him. His scent engulfing me. His smile lights up immediately and he kisses my cheek. "Hi Dylan, ".

"Good afternoon, Opal, " He puts a hand on my lower back and inspects my face. "You look stunning, you smell nice too, " He gives me a smile and my cheeks grow red. "Thank you, " I kiss his cheek and tingles spread around my body. I will never grow tired of that feeling. "It was nice seeing you, Wendy, shall we go, Love?" He asks and I nod. "I'll see you later. And use protection whilst you're at it, " I gesture towards Vince who's watching TV. Wendy chuckles and gives me a little wink. "Have fun, " She says goodbye and before I know it, I'm in his Black Ferrari.

"You have a very nice car, " I inspect the dirtless seats and clean interior. "Thanks. Got it for my eighteenth birthday, " He turns the engine on and a loud roar comes from the car and he reversed out of the driveway. "Where is this restaurant exactly?" I ask as I lean back into the seat. "Somewhere, someplace, " He says and it gives no information. "You're not gonna tell me are you?" I sigh and glance toward him. "Nope, " He pops the 'p' and I groan in annoyance. "Can you at least tell me how long the journey is?" I ask. He glances towards me with a raised brow. "You sure you want me to tell you?" He asks, I nod.

"Thirty minutes, " He puts his eyes back on the road and I sink into the car seat. "You're lucky I'm hungry, " I groan and take my phone out my pocket, I press onto Insta and look through Wendy's old account when we were 11. Silently and mentally wheezing at some of her pictures. This was when she thought that if. she had a darker foundation, then it looks like she has a tan. I see a picture of me when I was 11 and cringe. I forgot how ugly I looked before puberty. Closing my phone, I look out of the window at the night of the city, the lights thinking in the distance. A small smile spreads across my face. "What are you smiling at?" Dylan says as he glances toward me.

"The city looks beautiful at night, " I but my lip and take a photo from my phone. "That it is, " He mutters and I glance at him, his eyes fixated on the road with a small smile on his face.

Goddess. Why is he so perfect? Tell me.

"Are we there yet?" I ask. Way to ruin a moment, Opal. You idiot.

I mentally kick myself.

"Yep, " He turns into the building and I raise my eyebrow in surprise. I didn't expect him to say that, but wow. I must be psychic. He parks the vehicle and a valet comes to us. Dylan climbs out of his side and walking around the car to open my door. Such gentlemen. "Thank you, " I step out and he rests his hand in my lower back again and gives the keys to the valet. "When you said 5-Star I didn't mean this kind of 5-Star, " I chuckle as we enter the double doors the two men opened for us. "And I told you, only the best for my pretty little mate, " He kisses the side of my head and I chuckle. We get escorted to a table by a waiter.

Dylan sits opposite from me as we overlook the city. This restaurant is a fucking skyscraper for goddess sake. I scroll through the menu, not understanding a word in it because of how fancy it's written and described. But the one thing that catches my eye is Pasta Carbonara. My mouth instantly waters at just the mention of it. Pasta served in a creamy sauce and bacon mixed in it is my kind of meal. I place the menu down and tell, Dylan, my order.

"We'll have the Pasta Carbonara, with the Marinated Steak. And for the drinks, we'll have the bottle of Cristal, " Dylan says to the editor and my eyes widen as I remember the price for the bottle. $330.00
I look down at the city and bite the insides of my cheeks. Replaying the song Come Together by Michael Jackson in my head and bopping my leg to it. "This is really high up, " I mutter out and lean away from the window. "I know. I'm sometimes worried if the building will break, " He says and my eyes widen. Anxiety kicking in and I scootch over to the side of the book, away from the window. Dylan chuckles.

"I'm only kidding. I made sure that the building was stable and secure, " He sips his water and I glance up at him. "Wait? You're the owner?" I ask and he nods. "Oh my lord, " I rub my temples with my fingers and smile. Another thing I didn't know about him. The food arrives and the smell of my pasta carbonara is mouthwatering.

I spare no time in digging into it.

Alpha DylanWhere stories live. Discover now