Chapter Seven

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Hogsmeade weekend arrived quite quickly, and it seemed as if the entire castle had been waiting in anticipation. At the conclusion of Charms on Friday afternoon, Professor Flitwick was actually the first to flee from the classroom, leaving a distraught Lily who had intended to debate him some rather challenging points of view she had had with him over the Charms essay he had handed back in class.

"Ask him on Tuesday?" Mary offered with a shrug. "Enjoy the weekend."

But it seemed as if Lily was determined not to enjoy her weekend, at least not in Hogsmeade. She opted to stay behind on Saturday to continue with her Ancient Runes translation that Marlene knew she had finished well over a week ago. The reason for her decision was obvious; James Potter. However, both Mary and Marlene neglected from bringing the subject up out loud. 

Despite his obvious attempts earlier in the semester to continue his constant pestering of Lily, it had seemed for a short while that he had finally lost interest in the pursuit. Of course, it soon became obvious that Marlene had been mistaken when the notice for Hogsmeade had been posted, and James made it his only priority to see to it that Lily accompanied him.

The constant bickering in the hallways soon subsided as Lily began taking shortcuts and dodging the halls between classes. Although she never did quite manage to escape him, as he always seemed to know exactly where she was.

"I don't get it," she said with annoyance the evening before their Hogsmeade trip. "I specifically went up four floors to use the girl's lavatory at the end of class so that I could avoid him afterwards, and he was waiting for me outside. How in Merlin's name did he know where I was?"

Marlene listened with less interest than Mary; she had long ago stopped questioning how the Marauders did some of the things they did as her time spent with them revealed them to be much more talented than Lily would ever admit to give them credit for.

As Saturday morning rolled around, Lily unveiled that she had made plans with their dorm mate Alice Prewett to go over Charms notes.

"You're welcome to stay and join us if you'd like," Lily offered hopefully. 

Lily was busying herself behind a book on her bed; it was clear she did not intend to leave the dormitory until after the students had left for the small village as she was still in her night clothes and hadn't yet bothered to shower.

"No thanks," Marlene shook her head. She did not fancy the prospect of allowing Charms to consume any more of her attention than was necessary. Lily waved them goodbye before going back to her book. 

As Mary and Marlene descended the staircase into the common room, she was quick to notice the eager look on James' face as they came into his view. His face became noticeably crestfallen the second that he realized Lily was not with them, and his gaze immediately fell back to the wand he was twirling between his fingers. 

Marlene realized that the boys had been waiting for Lily's arrival; or, more appropriately, the boys had been waiting for James who refused to leave until Lily's arrival. She felt a surge of pity on her classmate, and signaled for Mary to hold on as she wandered over towards the boys.

"She's not coming," Marlene said simply to James, and he looked up at her with a sudden, dull expression.

"What?" he tried to sound nonchalant as if he didn't know to whom she was referring, but Marlene's raised eyebrow told him that she knew better.

"Sorry mate," Sirius shrugged before picking himself gracefully up off the couch. Remus and Peter both stood as well and James sighed with defeat. 

Marlene turned quickly and rejoined Mary who had been waiting patiently by the exit, and the two girls headed out of the portrait hole and towards the entrance hall. Mary began gushing instantly about the activities that she and Davey had planned together, and although she never said it, Marlene assumed that snogging in the corner at Madam Puddifoots would comprise most of the day's activities.

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