El Sel'awa of Egypt

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This mysterious wolf-jackal-fox hybrid of a creature is said to live in the mountains, desert, and the remote places of Egypt. It actually originated in the times of the Pharaohs, when it was told that this creature attacked anyone who tries to trespass on a temple or graveyard. In more modern times, our grandparents would tell you quite a different story. One that includes a man and his wife, and his wife’s sister who transformed into the Sel’awa every night.

The two women would go out in secret every night to dig up people from their graves and eat their remains. When the man followed them once and saw what they were, he confronted his wife the next day and she was furious but kept him alive for the sake of their two children, then forever disappeared along with her sister. Do you think that’s ridiculous? People actually believed this creature appeared in New Cairo only a little under two decades ago, when there was nothing there but Nata on Road 90, so much that they wouldn’t dare go to that area after sunset.

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