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kun groaned when his alarm woke up, it was 6:00am on a monday and he didn't want to go to his dumb school, he wanted to stay home, he got good grades and was a very good student but he only had one friend, sicheng, who he was very close with, kun spent a lot of his time in the library, which then he was given the nickname "library boy" he hated that name.

kun got out of his bed before he would have to hear his mother yelling at him, he quickly showered, brushed his teeth, and put on his uniform, he made sure his hair looked fine before grabbing his backpack and coat and heading downstairs, he greeted his mom in the kitchen and had a conversation with her, he quickly ate toast with butter before waving goodbye to his mom and heading outside and walking to his dumb high school.

kun saw sicheng from the distance as he was walking to school, he waved at sicheng and ran towards him. "hey library boy" sicheng said and smiled, kun pouted and said "you know i hate that name!" sicheng just smiled again and walked with kun inside the school, luckily, sicheng's and kun's locker were next to eachother. "do you wanna hang at the library again at lunch?" kun asked, sicheng nodded as he grabbed his stuff and closed his locker, suddenly the hallways went quiet, kun closed his locker and turned around and saw ten walking down the hall, once ten reached his locker crowds of girls ran towards him and the hallways got loud again.

ten wasn't a typical bad boy, he was just a student who liked getting in trouble, he is nice most of the time but can be mean too, and comes off as very intimidating, kun slightly rolled his eyes and walked to class with sicheng. kun and sicheng made their way into math class, they sat next to eachother, kun noticed that ten was sitting on the other side of him, he tapped on sicheng and moved his head towards the direction ten was in, sicheng made an "o" shape with his mouth and noticed all the people looking in their direction. the teacher cleared their throat to gain the students attention, then continued teaching.

finally the class was over, and then he and sicheng walked to their next classes, until it was time for lunch, kun grabbed his lunch and made his way down to the library with sicheng, where they ate, looked for books and talked. "what do you think about ten?" sicheng suddenly asked. kun just shrugged "i dont know, he seems intimidating to me.." sicheng nodded "yeah, but i heard he's actually nice" kun chuckled "i dont see him being a nice person, but I shouldn't judge a book by its cover"

after that lunch was over, then kun went to the rest of his classes, the final bell rang and he grabbed his things, he noticed the school library was already closed early today, so he asked sicheng if he wanted to go to the public library, sicheng agreed and so they walked down to the public library, not too far from the neighborhood kun and sicheng lived in, when they got inside they sat down at a table at the corner and took out their textbooks and other schoolwork, they did all their homework and then studied for next weeks history test they had, kun started feeling sleepy and next thing he knew, he was asleep.

around 2 hours later, the library was still open and kun woke up, he felt a light weight against his back and shoulders he reached his hands back to touch the weight, it felt like a jacket, he raised his head to look at his surroundings and saw a man, he noticed that the man wasn't sicheng, but someone he didn't expect to be here, ten. ten was reading a book while listening to music with his headphones in. ten looked up, making eye contact with kun. kun stood frozen not knowing what to do before ten spoke up, "oh look you're awake, you're friend left you, by the way." oh sicheng is so dead, kun thought, but kun just simply nodded before saying "uh d-do you want your jacket back?" reaching towards the jacket to take it off, he noticed that the jacket was big on him, he saw that ten just shook his head and said "you can keep my jacket, library boy. you seem cold." before standing up, closing his book, grabbing his things and left the library.

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