Neighbors at first sight

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(Text messaging)

MaddieZ:Mills can you come over??

Mills4thrills:I can't there's a family moving next door to me and my parents made plans for us to go to their house for dinner! Ugh!

Lilialilac: Awe man! It would've been epic w/ you here!

Mills4thrills: IKR?! Well I'll see you at the first day of school on Wednesday! Bye guys! Xoxo

                                                    *Mills4thrills has left the chat*

(Regular again)

"MIllie! Get a nice dress on! We're going to the neighbors house!"

"Okay mom!" Millie trudged to her walk in closet to find a nice dress. She picked a nice pink dress with white cherry blossoms that went down mid-thigh. She wore her black tumblr glasses with it. "How bad could this be?" Millie said to herself as she went down the stairs.

"You look wonderful sweetheart! Okay ready to go girls?"Millie's mom said cheerfully as she opened their front door. As they walked onto the neighbor's driveway Millie noticed the last name on the mailbox was Wolfhard.

*Doorbell rings*

"Hello! Come on in!" Ms.Wolfhard said as she beckoned Millie and her family in. The house was pretty nice. It was built the same as Millie's since they were right next to eachother.

"This is our youngest daughter Millie." Millie's parents exclaimed.

"Hi Ms.Wolfhard pleasure to meet you." Millie said shaking her hand.

"Hi darling!"Ms.Wolfhard and Mr.Wolfhard replied.

"Millie is 16. I have one other daughter who is in college." Ms.Brown exclaimed.

"Oh my son Finn is one year older but he is in the same grade! His older brother Nick is in his senior year on Wednesday." Ms.Wolfhard said. The familys sat down at the dining room table. "Hold on let me get Finn."

"Finn c'mon hun!" Ms.Wolfhard said.

"Okay I'm coming mom!" Finn said as he rolled his eyes. "Hey I'm Finn." Finn said as he sat down at his chair looking at his phone.

"Ahem...Finn. Phone." Ms.Wolfhard whispered to Finn. Finn handed his mother his phone. "This is Millie." His mom exclaimed. 

"Hey." Finn said as he just nodded his head up.

"Hi"Millie replied smiling. They ate their dinner. Only really the parents talked. The kids just said a few sentences. After dessert they decided to go home.

Millie ran up to her room to put on her 'victoria secret pink'pajama set. Then she plopped on her bed. Since Finn and Millie lived right next to each other,their window's faced. Millie had just noticed this tonight. She pulled her curtain to the side a little bit so she could see Finn's window. He was shirtless on his phone.

"Umm okay then just gonna draw these curtains..."Millie said as she went back down on her bed. She got her pink vintage journal out and started writing about her day in it. Her journal matched her room. This is what it looked like.

 This is what it looked like

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MIllie soon fell to sleep.

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