Dinner, Sal x Reader

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Ahah, look at me not writing because I was drawing.....sorry ;w;

You watched the vacuum go over the carpet, sucking up all the dirt and dust. You pulled it back watched the clean streak drag from it. Vacuuming, you hated it, but it was better than mowing the lawn. You adjusted Gin on your hip. She leaned up against you, holding her milk bottle. You glanced down at her. She smiled at you, her cute little smile.

You smile back and continue to vacuum the dirty carpet. Your brother, Brandon, steps inside, wearing basketball shorts. His whole chest is covered in sweat and grass clippings.

"Go get into the shower, while your at it, could you wash Riley? Muma has been asking me but I need to get dinner done and I need to take care of Gin" you say, looking back at what you were doing.

"yeah, but you owe me. When are mom and dad getting home?" He asks, walking behind you and making faces at Gin, making her giggle and bounce.

"4:00, its 2:30 now" you say. He nods and walks down the hall.

He turns into his room and comes back out with your dog, Riley, in his arms. Riley stares at you with fear in his eyes, he didn't like being in water. He would always freeze up and just stare while you would wash him.

Time skip

You stared at the clock, watching the time tick by. You were waiting to pull out the garlic bread. You had gotten everything else done, the noodles, sauce, even the table was set up. Now it was just the garlic bread. Brandon was letting Riley dry in the garage while he watched Gin for you. You sighed and walked out of the kitchen. You wandered down the hall, starring at the picture frames.

You stopped in front of one. It was taken at your 16th birthday party. You smiled at the faces that surround you as you stood in front of your cake. Your mother and father were on the end. Brandon was on your left. On your right were your bestest friends, Sal, Larry, and Ash. Sal was pressed up against you, Larry hugging you four together. And Ash was holding your little sister, Gin.

That was a fun day A loud beep interrupted your memories. You dashed back into the kitchen and yanked open the oven. You grabbed pot holders and pulled out the tray of garlic bread. You set the tray on the stove and shut the oven. You turned off the oven and the timer. Just then, the door opens and your parents rush in.

"(Y/N), it smells wonderful in here! We gotta change, c'mon honey" Your mother says, dragging your father into their room. You just chuckled and shook your head, putting the pot holders back.

Today was the day, the day you were going to tell your parents that your and Sal were dating. Brandon already knew, Gin couldn't comprehend the word boy so why even say boy friend, of course Ash and Larry knew, and...Riley is a dog. You were practically shaking, your parents were afraid Sal would be a bad influence. So they probably wouldn't be too happy.

The back door opens, making you look over. Brandon walks in with Gin on his shoulders. Riley dashes in and runs to god knows where. Brandon walks past and into the living room. He sets Gin on the couch, turning on the tv to some cartoon she would like. He leaves to his room, probably to change into something nice. Shit! You need to change too!

You rush into your room, throwing open your closet. You snap your head to your alarm clock, 4:49. You look forward, digging through the small section of your closet dedicated to dressy clothes. You yank out a vibrant blue dress. You smile softly, you had only bought it because it looked like Sals hair... Anditwashalfoffandwhodoesntlikeadeal.

You slip off your regular clothes, with a good tug since they stuck to your sweaty skin. You starred at yourself in the mirror, all you saw were flaws, but you knew your friends saw different. You let out a heavy sigh before digging through your dresser for a strapless bra. Finally, you found one. You slipped it on and pulled it back, letting it slap against your skin. It hurt. Why did you even do that? You slipped on the blue dress, now taking in all of the detail.

The dress was strapless, stopping right above your breasts. At the bottom, it had a small cut to show some of your right leg. You smiled gently and slipped on a pair of flats. You walked back out of your room and into the living room. You scanned the room for Gin, whom was sitting on the couch and happily watching SpongeBob. You smiled a bit and sat next to her, starting to relax.

Just then, as you were finally calming down, the doorbell screamed in your ear. All of your family members rushed out their rooms and you flipped off the couch. You scooped up Gin and ran to the door, swinging it open. There, stood Sal and Henry. Sal's hair was slicked back and he had on a classy shirt and khakis. Henry was in, almost, the exact same thing.

"Henry, Sal! Come in!" Your mother breathes out, a huge smile plastered on her face. Sal's mask lifted slightly.

"Thank you Ms. Lona." Sal says, stepping in with his father. You smile at Sal and his father. Your father shakes Henry's hand and they start doing whatever dads do.

"SALLY!!" Gin yells, reaching for him. Sal, having done this thousands of times, took her out of your arms and held her high in the air.

"Ginny!!" He says back. He sets her on his hip and bounces her a couple of times. She giggles and hugs his torso the best she can. You smile at the two, it was absolutely adorable.

"Hey baby~" Sal purrs, turning to you. Your smile disappears and your cheeks heat up. Before Sal can say anything else, Brandon walks over.

"Hm?" He hums, starring at Sal with a look that absolutely screamed 'Im gonna fucking murder you and your whole family'. Sal's flirty and confident persona immediately shattered.

"Y-YuP, j-j-juST sAyIN' H-Hi tO Gin. T-the BAby!"

He stutters out, his voice cracking with every word. Brandon stares at him while you hold in laughter.

"Yeah...you do that" Brandon says questioningly, taking Gin away from Sal and walking away. Your face soon becomes red from holding in laughter. As soon as Brandon enters the kitchen, you burst out laughing. Your body shakes with each laugh as you hunch over. Sal stands there, petrified. He soon gets the courage to speak.

"(Y/n)! S-Shut up!!" He yells, pushing you playfully. You fall onto the floor, wheezing with laughter.

~Ah, It's Me~ SallyFace x Reader, Oneshots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now