Carte Blanche

103 11 2

Later tonight

Every inmate was already gathered in its own ward for extra good night sleep as the common room is closed until the next morning, due to Jude's order.

Jude was desolated in her dim light office as almost every late evening as she was praying, holding her rosary beads up, bowing her head. A prayer before to strip her habit off her body and to release her mane of golden curls from the wool, tiresome wimple, hence, hop up in her bed.

The night, itself, was beyond serene and mystic. Some inmates' wails could be heard, coming from whether the women or men's wing wards, in fact, experiencing pain and sorrow, or rather the common insomnia. The insomnia was such an infectious epidemya, diffusing inside the madhouse like plague especially amidst inmates, guards and some nuns as well.

"God, come to my assistance.Lord make haste to help me.Glory be to the Father, and to the Son," She inhaled before the prayer as the blonde commenced reciting fluently as her voice sounded like a whisper. "and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
world without end." All of a sudden a door tap interrupted her as she opened her eyes, tilting her head, still grasping the rosary beads, evoking plainly. "Yes?"

In the meantime, the door opened as Frank stepped up in her office, shutting the door.

"Sistah Jude, what a tough day!" The former cop stood against her desk as abided in serious pose as their eyes met, locking up her hazel orbs.

"Yeah, Frank! Even overwhelming for some of us." Jude uttered, gesturing with a hand to the security guard to have a seat.

"It depends in which case you mean overwhelming, Sister." He furthered pragmatically as he sat on the chair, following his favorite sister's instructions.

"Well, Frank, just call me Jude or Judy, okay?" She enquired as the nun, herself, was fed up of being addressed formally. Let's not forget her friendship with Frank was not only stable and potent, but also they were getting along pretty well as friends as much as her fondness with Timothy.

Meanwhile the former cop just nodded, agreeing to call her with her usual name instead of formally.

"Good! Frank, I need to tell ya something which I have determined since today," The former promiscuous nightclub singer exhaled sharply, clearing her throat, placing her petite hands on her hardwood, lacquered desk, adorned with a couple of sorted patients' files in alphabet order with her pair of regular eyeglasses. "You promise to not spread the word all over Briarcliff even telling Mary Eunice and the others about it, okay?" In this moment, Frank nodded enthusiastically. "Alright! After you left with Stanley, the Monsignor and I discussed something exceedingly conclusive. We have decided from tomorrow to sign off the church and move in Pennsylvania, living somewhere in the countryside due to our own reason." She carried on, explaining her motive to flee the church and Briarcliff from tomorrow.

"Oh!" He cried astounded as his mouth was mildly agape. It hit him like an unpredictable storm, shaking off with its lighting bolts the ground. Furthermore, the security guard, himself, didn't like Timothy at all, perceiving him as a possessive man, hankering for power and glory. Nonetheless, Frank forbear to disparage about the juvenile, aspiring priest since he kept his wits about him and Jude, acknowledging how much she loved Timothy and had potent, accursed feelings for him. "It's so abrupt, Jude! Why do you plan to leave the church even this place?"

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