Chapter 1 - A legend is Born

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DISCLAIMER: Fairy Tail is not owned by me. I'm only going to do this for the first chapter. It belongs to the creator. Go find some other Fanfiction on Fairy Tail to find his name.

"bolded text" is the dialogue of Dragons, Demons, and LOUD voices.

"normal text" is the dialogue of humans

Italicized words are human thoughts

Bolded italicized words are dragon thoughts


Flames were erupting everywhere; the nearby sky became bright crimson in color, as the smoldering village burned a fiery orange in contrast to the dark mountains and blankets of black skies standing around it. Screams could be heard from across the mountain range, shrill voices of agony, and terror. The townsfolk were fleeing in every direction, running away from certain death. If one were to fall, that would be the end of them; they'd become nothing more than a pile of ashes.

Slowly, but steadily, the structures of the valley were becoming engulfed in flames. In the center of the town, a large clock tower building began to crumble. Its base caved in, and the majestic town hall became nothing more than a pile of rubble. Many of the smaller, surrounding huts were sharing a similar fate. Soon, most of the village was beginning to fall apart. There was only one word suitable for the aforementioned imagery: Chaos.

In the distance, lazily lounging atop one of the great mountains surrounding the horrific devastation of the burning village was a gigantic, oversized dragon. His black, shiny scales glistened in the evening twilight. He inwardly smiled as he witnessed the massive destruction he had just accomplished. These humans thought they could defy my power. I sure showed them the consequences of removing my sacred shrine from this undeserving town. The town was now silent. The remaining buildings were all charred black. A place previously known for its great business trades and teeming with a population of over two thousand and became lifeless, all in a night's passing.

It's time to check for any survivors of the incident. The beast's large wings sprouted open from their resting position. The dragon flapped his wings twice, and took off towards the sky, creating a large gust of wind. He dove towards the village and landed in the center. He perked his ears open. What's that sound? A faint cry could be heard in the distance. To dragons, the cry was much more audible. The black dragon stomped towards the source of his annoyance. A small, pink-haired boy seemed to be the sole survivor of the dragon's attack. How shameful, to think that a small boy was able to survive my onslaught of attacks. The dragon lifted his huge claw and prepared to smash it down upon the boy.

Realizing what was going on, the child's cries became louder. A wave of magical energy erupted from his tiny body, and the Dragon stopped. What is this magic power? It's tremendous!I'm getting old, and it wouldn't be so bad to have a disciple who could carry on my legacy; someone else who can cleanse this world when I cannot. He leaned his head in towards the boy.

"Stop crying, and tell me your name" the large dragon boomed. Momentarily, the pink-haired boy simply stared at the enormous being in front of him. To the dragon's amazement, the boy stopped his crying.

"M- My name is N- Natsu. Natsu Sashimi. What about you?" This one sure is interesting. The dragon cleared his throat. "I'm Acnologia, the King of All Dragons. Do you want to train with me, so that you can become the strongest? It's that or you die like the rest."The boy scratched his head and paused for a while as if to think over the offer. "Yes," a soft voice replied, "I will become stronger so that I can protect everyone I care about."

"Very well, you are now my disciple. I shall teach you how to become stronger so that you can finish my dream. I wish to cleanse this world of its filth, and you will help me. Understood?"Natsu shook his head in agreement and smirked. "I understand."

Months Later

A boy could be seen heaving a large boulder up a mountainside. Perched upon his destination was an enormous black dragon. In the sunlight, its glistening scales glowed with magical energy. It was watching the boy with a glint of distaste. "Natsu, you are taking far too long to push this tiny rock! It's ridiculous!" the dragon boomed with anger. Natsu grunted again before replying, "It may seem like a small rock to you, but it's more than twice my size!"

It had been almost a years since Acnologia wreaked havoc onto Natsu's hometown, and he was now training the young boy. Natsu's physique had improved significantly and could boast to be physically stronger than most human beings, no doubt stronger than all five-year-olds. Natsu had just pushed the boulder up on top of the mountain when Acnologia grabbed it and tossed it back to the bottom. "You were too slow," the dragon commented, "Do it faster this time."

The boy was seething in anger now, but he knew better than to piss Acnologia off. He didn't need another scar on his back. Natsu crawled to the base of the mountain and restarted the tedious, and painful task. Upon completion, Acnologia seemed satisfied. "Much better," he mused, "I knew you had it in you. I think it's time I began to teach you Dragon Slayer Magic." Natsu's eyes went wide at this. Was it really what it sounded like? Magic that can slay dragons? "Whoa! When do we start?" he yelled, not being able to contain his excitement. "Tomorrow is your sixth birthday, is it not? Why not start then?" The dragon was surprised by his disciple's eagerness to start his training. He has no idea what it's like to truly train.

2 years later...

Chaos Dragon ROAR! Natsu bellowed as he shot a stream of pure magical energy out from his mouth. A large gaping hole appeared on the other side of a mass of rock. "You're becoming much stronger. Though you are still far from powerful." a black dragon commented from the side. Chaos Dragon, WING ATTACK! Natsu unleashed a fury of chaos energy on the unfortunate ground, causing a large crater to appear in it.

"Stop for a moment", Acnologia said, "I've been thinking. Although you may not be strong enough to defeat the likes of Zeref, or me, I'm certain you may be able to defeat some dragons."

A/N And that's the end of the chapter! Hope you enjoyed! This is my first fanfic, and I see a lot of ways in which this plot can progress. Thanks for reading that bit right there. Any reviews would be appreciated. I feel my writing style is pretty cringe, but I don't know why, exactly. Try not to flame, but constructive criticism is for sure appreciated.

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