Chapter 9

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Naruto's pov

I woke up to a strange sound. I opened my eyes to see Shika-chan snuggled up into my chest. I brushed a strand of black hair behind her ear, then blushed heavily recalling the actions I just did. I got out of the tent and saw Tallulah sitting in Kurama's lap, the two of them making out. I leaned against the tree in front of my tent and smirked. "Having fun Kyu-chan?" The two demons snapped their heads to me and blushed heavily. "Shut up Kit. You would do the same thing if you had a mate." "I know, but we have people sleeping in those tents, so either hide in a tent a make out, or hide better." I smirked as they separated. I placed a sound proof seal on Shika-chan's tent. "Okay! Everybody get up!" Sasuke and Ino walked out of their tent, both of their heads, absolute messes. Sakura, Haku, and Inari walked out of their tent and sat down beside Tallulah and Kurama. After doing a head count of my team, I walked out to Shika-chan's team to check. "Choji and Sai are still sleeping. Sakura go wake them up." She reluctantly left to their tent while I stepped into my tent to wake Shika-chan. I was met with the sight of Shika-chan changing. We both processed the situation and then heavily blushed. She covered herself with the blanket and I quickly left. It was a good thing that I have my mask on, because I was the unholy offspring between a freakin tomato and an apple. I sat down on a log as Shika-chan walked out of the tent. She sat behind me and start combing threw my feathers. "Naruto, I'm pretty sure this is a stupid question, but why is Shikamaru so calm and chill around you?" Before I could open my mouth, Kurama started laughing. "Shikamaru practically grew up with him. When Kit had a day off, these two would be joined at the hip." Kurama laughed. "When Hatake came to take him home he would bawl his eyes out and end up spending the night with Nara." Everyone else was laughing as my face steadily grew red under my mask. "Okay. Now that Kurama has officially embarrassed me, we have to keep moving. Kyu you are in charge of scouting ahead. I'm up front with Shikamaru, Tallulah you are in the back with Sasuke and Haku, everyone else is in middle. Be prepared to fight I case anything happens. Let's move out!" Kurama ran ahead and I started leading everyone toward the direction of The Slug Princess. After a couple hours Choji asked for a lunch break. I summoned Kyu back while I did a perimeter check. I noticed Kakashi running toward the temp camp. I stopped him halfway. "Kashi, why aren't you at the village?" "Iruka kicked me out of the village when damage control was done. He put Asuma Sarutobi in charge." "Fine. Let's hurry up." I led him to the camp. "Everyone. On your feet. We travel again. Kyu I in the front with Haku and Inari. Tallulah is in the back with Sasuke and Sai. Kakashi is in the middle with the rest. I'm scouting ahead. Signal if something happens." I flew up into the air.

Kurama's pov

We kept moving for hours until everyone on the team collapsed out of exhaustion, including Kakashi. Sighing, I sent up the signal. Naru landed immediately after. "Kit, I think we should rest for the night." "Agreed, my wings are started to cramp up."

Naruto's pov

I helped Tallulah and Kurama set up the tents and campfire. "Kurama is in charge. Shika-chan, your with me." I hoisted Shika-chan on to my back, in between my wings and dived straight into the water. Shika-chan looked at me weird until I started catching fish. Shika-chan caught on and started helping me. I broke the surface when we caught enough fish to last a good while. I saw the signal that Kurama sent up and quickly rushed over to them. I saw an unknown ninja from the Sky Village use a forbiddin jutsu on Kakashi. I rushed forward and cut his head off with ny sword. I quickly picked up Kakashi's quickly shrinking body and brought him into mine and Shikamaru's tent. This jutsu for emcee the victim into their childlike state of body and mind. The reason on how I'm familiar with it, is because an Akatsuki member tried to used it against me. It doesn't work on children. I removed Kakashi's forehead protector and set it next to him as he woke up. "Where am I?" "Calm yourself. What do you remember? " "I remember fighting Obito and attempting to use chidori, but that's it." "The chidori went haywire and sent you into a comatose state. Your team and Sensei are nowhere to be found. You are to accompany me in my travel." I held out his forehead protector. "The Leaf needs to stick together. Those who abandon the rules are scum. Those who abandon their comrades are worse then scum." I helped him set his forehead protector into place and led him outside. I covered his ears so I could speak freely. "Listen up. Kakashi was hit with a dangerous forbidden jutsu. You must act like you don't know him. Is that clear?" "Crystal." I released Kakashi's ears. "Okay, now everyone. Put out the fire and store the excess food. We leave in ten." I left them to do their tasks. "Naru-chan,  are you alright?" "I'm fine Shika-chan. Why do you ask?" "No reason." I helped Shikamaru pack up our tent and started leading everyone to the village.

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