Chapter 2

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Naruto's pov

I woke up to the sounds of Sakura, Ino, and Sasuke. "Sakura, leave his mask alone." "Why? He's a twelve year old Anbu Commander. People should know who he is. Now why won't this mask come off?!" "Because I used a sealing jutsu to keep it there." They all jumped at my voice. I stood up with my feathers flared. "What is wrong with you?! I go out of my way to teach you, and you disrespect me by trying to take my mask off!" I flew jumped off the roof and in the direction of the a waterfall.

I took of my uniform and sat in the water. I heard someone behind me. I smirked under my mask. Might as well show off. I slowed my breathing and started meditating. I felt water form around me in a flowing circle and bubbles of water surrounded me. Pebbles from where the people were standing circled around me. "Wow." All the elements drop into the water. I tuned my head to see Ino, Inari, and Sasuke. I made an earthy wall, and quickly put my uniform on. I released the earthy wall and faced them all with a light link blush on my face. I had originally thought it was just Inari, but not all three of them. Ino walked forward with something in her hands. "Need some help?" She raised the bottle, it was lavender shampoo. "Sorry, but no. As much as you are a trusted friend, only family and people I considered family is allowed to touch my wings." I bowed slightly. "It's fine Angel. I understand." "Good. Please get Kakashi over here to help me." "Why Kakashi?" "Well, he's my stepdad." "What?!" The two shouted. "What? He was my dad's student, so he took me in after he died." I looked down and away from other people. Kakashi was the only one to truly tell him about his lineage. His father was Yellow Flash Minato Namikaze and his mother was the Flaming Hot Habanero Kushina Ukumaki. I inherited most of my Dad's looks, but most of my mother's personality. I heard a stick break behind my teammates and Inari. I heard a kunai slicing through the air, right toward Inari's head. I used my father's jutsu to move behind him. The kunai pierced through my wing. "Sasuke! Take Inari and Ino to safety! Now!" Large amounts of blood poured out of the gaping hole in my wing. "Kurama! Can you heal me?" "Not yet Kit. We're in a fight." I sighed heavily and faced my opponent. "Zabuza Momochi. Been a while." "Yes it has. Now that your defenseless, now is my chance to redeem myself!" He ran at me with his giant sword. I flew into the air, but fell into the water, from my injury. I got up and pulled out a scroll. "UNSEAL BIJUU!" The seal on the scroll and my stomach glowed brightly. Kurama in all his fox like glory stood next to me. He changed his size from humongous to the size of a small bull. All nine of his tails were swaying. "Momochi." Only I could understand him, to the others it sounded like menacing growls. "Nice to see you too, Kurama." I fall to one knee, because that summoning scroll takes a lot out of me. I can keep him here no sweat, but summoning him here is difficult. Zabuza goes flying and Kyu changes his size to that of a small puppy. He ran over to me and started licking the hole in my wing. Slowly it closed up, but after Kurama healed what he could it was still bleeding. I sighed and took the scroll out. "Human Bijuu Jutsu!" Kyu shifted into a man sitting on the ground looking annoyed.

 "Human Bijuu Jutsu!" Kyu shifted into a man sitting on the ground looking annoyed

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"Kit, you know I hate being a human. Why do you insist that I should have this form?" "So that you can patch up my wings when Kashi isn't around." I dug in my bag and tossed him a thinning roll of bandages. "Kit, we are going to need more than this. Should I go get Kakashi to get some more?" "No. I have a scroll here somewhere." I pulled a scroll out of my bag and unsealed two rolls of bandages. "Is this enough?" "Yeah. Take off the top half of your uniform." I did as asked and allowed Kyu to patch up my wings. "Ok, done. You can't fly for two days. So be careful." "Thanks Kyu." I took out one of Kurama's transformation scrolls. "Fox Bijuu Jutsu!" Kyu turned into a fox and changed his size to that of a baby kitten. I placed him on my head and put my uniform back in place. I let out a low whistle. Lunar flew to my outstretched arm and I set a mouse on the ground. "Kyu, play with Lunar. He hasn't seen you in a while." He nodded and the two ran into the forest. I moved my wing to in front of me. I sighed at the lazy bandaging. I started walked to Tazuna's house. I was halfway there, when a hand was pressed against my wing. I pulled a kunai and pointed it at their neck at alarming speed.  It was a boy my age, with long straight black hair. I put my kunai away and noticed all the bruises on the kid. I took out my bandages. "You're hurt." I gestured toward the gash on his leg, and the bleeding cut on his forehead. I sat him down on a rock and patched up his wounds. "Name." "H-Haku." "Age." "T-twelve." "Element." "I-ice." "Can you walk?" "N-no sir." I picked him up in my arms and walked the rest of the way to the house. I saw my team and Inari's family. I walked past them all and headed straight to my room in the attic. I set him down on my bed and started questioning him. "So Haku, what were you doing in the middle of the forest?" "My mom told me not to. She warned me. I didn't listen." I shook him slightly and tapped his face. "Calm down. No one will hurt you. Now calmly tell me what happened." "Mom had an bloodline that delt with ice. Dad hated ninjas. Mom warned me that never use the bloodline. I did it on accident, and dad killed mom. I was scared, because he was coming after me. I accidentally shot Sha I e through his head. I-I didn't mean to. H-he was g-going to k-kill me." He had fat tears running down his face. I pulled him into a huge and wrapped my wings around him. "Is it bad to have a bloodline?" "No. People who have them are looked up to and are considered lucky. I have two bloodlines. Both from my father. I can talk to animals and I can travel at a fast pace for long periods of time. A ninja having a bloodline, just makes it that much easier to get a job, and I should know. I had to train hard and practice daily to be where I am now. At the age of five I became an Anbu for the Leaf Village. At the age of seven, Anbu Captain. Then at the age of ten, Anbu Commander. If you would like, I could train you to perfect your ice. Would that be okay?" "Yes. Thank you... What should I call you?" "Angel. If you ever manage to get to the point where I would trust you with my life and then some, I will tell you my real name. For now you address me as Angel. Understood?" "Yes, Angel." "Good, now can you stand?" He tested his leg and fell back on the bed. "No." "How did this happen?" "I was walking through the forest, and the missing nin, Zabuza Momochi attacked me for the small bit of food I had on me." "How long ago was it since you last ate?" "A week. In that time I found a few wild berries that kept me sustained." "I will make you some food, then get my friend to heal your leg and forehead. Stay here for now." I stood up and walked out. I walked downstairs, to Tsunami's kitchen. I made a light beef ramen. It was nice and light, not to heavy or rich, and it was rather cold outside, so this could warm anyone from the inside out. Like a warm hug from the inside. I walked back upstairs and handed him the ramen. "Eat up." He hesitantly took the bowl and scarfed it down. He handed me the empty bowl back. "Thank you." "Yeah, now I'm going to train you. How much do you know?" "Well, while I was experimenting, I made a jutsu of my very own." "Okay." I placed him on my back, and walked outside, ignoring the strange looks everyone gave me. I set him down on the ground and let out a high, shrill whistle. Kyu came running and smelt the blood on Haku. He went out healing chakra and healed Haku's forehead and leg. "Haku. How many jutsus do you know?" "Well, excluding the one I made. About two. I know how to walk on trees." "Okay, get ready to spend the day learning."

"Okay Haku. Stop. Time for dinner, then bed." "Okay Angel." I looked at my wing and test flapped it. It hurt like hell. I pulled out a roll of bandages, started walking back to Tsunami's house. Haku followed me inside and hid behind me when we reached the table. "Angel, where is the kid that was with you?" I reached behind me and pushed Haku in front of me. "Kashi, help me bandage my wing, Ino give Haku some food." I tossed the bandages to Kashi and walked outside. Kakashi walked out with a scowl present under his mask. "When are you going to stop with that nickname? Ever since that one Anbu recruit called me that you won't stop!" "What's wrong Kashi? Don't like it?" "I don't mind, but don't say it in front of the genins. I don't want them calling me that." "Fine. Now help me patch up my wing. Kyu healed what he could, but couldn't heal all of it." "I see. Sit down." I sat down with him sitting behind me. I helped him take the poor wrappings off my injured wing, so he could rewrap it. "Angel, who is that boy?" "Haku. He has an ice bloodline, that ended up killing his father. His father killed his mother out of his hatred of ninjas. He is twelve, and is now caught up to the other genins in training. He has made his own type of jutsu, that involves ice mirrors. I am going to take him under my wing with Inari." "Are you sure that is wise?" "Kashi, I am well aware of the pros and cons, but I am going to focus on the pros, but keep the cons in mind." With that we walked inside to see Sakura picking on Haku. "What are you?! Some kind of lowlife who mooches off of other people?!" I was seething and hit her head. "That is quite enough with that. Sakura Haruno, you are dangling by a very thin thread. One more incident from you, you are no longer a ninja. You understand?" She nodded her head fearfully. I whistled toward the door and Kurama and Lunar ran in. "Human Bijuu Jutsu." Kyu growled at me. "Kit! Why do I need to be human now?!" "Well, I need a sparing partner, and everyone here I weaker than me." "Fine. Let me suit up, and I'll be there in a minute." I tossed Kyu his scroll and waited. "Angel, who is that?" "Oh him. His name is Kurama. The demon nine tailed fox." The trio of genins gaped at me. "Why is he here?!" "Who do you think trained me? Kyu has been helping me get stronger, and sometimes heals my wounds. He is a good person once you get to know him, but he can definitely hold grudges." I shivered slightly. "Kit, let's go." I ran outside and pounced on him. He threw me off his back causing me to open my wings by pure muscle memory. I quickly shut them and threw a shuriken at him. I landed on the ground and ran at him. He dodged with ease and tossed me at a boulder. I landed on my wings. I hissed and signaled for Kyu to stop. I stood up quickly and faced the forest. Kyu and Kakashi did the same. Zabuza walked out and smirked at me. "Well, well, well. The little bird's wing is injured. I have the advantage now." He charged me, causing me to fly up and land on him. "Demon Cage Jutsu." A steel cage kept Zabuza and Kyu at bay. I took out my sword and charged him. He blocked the first attack and snickered at me. "The almighty Angel of Demons is losing his touch." I growled animalisticly, my eyes changing to a deep red, and demon fox ears broke through the top of my mask. My demon fox tail tore through the back of the my uniform. My nails elongated into sharp claws and my feathers changed from pure white to deadly black. I took my sword and it grew a few inches. I charged Zabuza and cut his arm before he cut my left wing. I growled in pain and cut his foot off. He replaced it quickly with a stick. I stood still and manipulated the earth to trap him, fire to melt the rock, wind to pressure his body to the point of suffocation, and surrounded him in water. He slowly drowned to death. I released all the elements and let my demonic features disappear. "Kyu, Kashi." I manged to wheeze before blacking out.

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