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I woke up with a throbbing head, looking around. I was laying on a neatly kept bed with white sheets. The walls were white, and there was a table in the corner with a sink and hand sanitizer.

Where the hell am I?

It took me a minute to realize that I was in the Nurse's Office. Confused, I tried to recall what happened to land me here. When tiny parts of my panic attack started flooding my mind,  I instantly cringed to myself, thinking about how the stranger who brought me here probably thought I was weird. But then my embarrassment soon turned into curiosity as more of the prior events entered my head.

Who would care enough to bring me here?

As I sat patiently on my bed letting my thoughts fog my mind, the door creaked open and I snapped my head up at the sound. I awkwardly watched as the nurse came in and took a seat close to the bed.

"Taehyung, how are you feeling?"

"Alright, I guess. Thanks for taking care of me again Ms. Sunmi." I softly smiled at her.

Ms. Sunmi was my favorite teacher, even if I couldn't call her a teacher. Every now and then I would end up in her office, whether it was because I got beat up, or just because I needed a break from everything. She was practically my friend, but she never knew about my depression.

"Ah, Taehyung-ah, that boy who brought you here was quite concerned," she smirked. "And cute."

I giggled.

"Was it Jiminie?" I thought that it could be him, because besides him, who would it be?

"No, it was not Park Jimin. But it did start with a 'J'." She said, putting a finger on her chin and pretending to think.

Puzzled, I looked down, also trying to think of 'J' names that might give a shit about me.

"Oh!" she snapped her fingers. "I got it! Ju-Jungkook!" she said with an excited expression.

J-Jungkook? He cared about me? He took the effort to bring me here? WhAt?

"Taehyung, what's with the sad expression?" She lowered to my height and tilted her head. "Oh! if its because you think I'll take him, don't worry! He's too young for me." She said, smiling awkwardly.

I felt my cheeks heat up.

"No! That's not it at all! I'm just confused about why he cared." I say looking down.

"Well, why wouldn't he care?" She said smiling at me.

I gave her another forced smile.

"I guess you're right." I lied. "Well anyways, I should get going. How long was I out?"

"About an hour and a half or so."

"Shoot, I have to get to class." I said as I collected myself and left, not before thanking her again.

While walking down the hall, I found my self getting drowned in my thoughts again.

Did he actually care about me?

Why would he take time out of his day to help me?

Was he actually different from other people?

But then, the realization of Jimin moving tomorrow hit me.

Shit! Its Jimin's last day here, and I just spent it snoozing my ass away!

Shaking those thoughts away, I got to my classroom and slowly opened the door. I creaked it open, and tried to sneak in without my teacher noticing. Well, I failed.

"Kim Taehyung, where have you been?" Mrs. Jung questioned.

I slowly turned to her and told her the truth.

"I w-was at the nurses office." I was proud of myself for not stuttering as much as I usually would.

"Okay. Take your seat."

I turned around and widened my eyes in shock to see who was occupying the again once-empty seat next to me.

Jeon fucking Jungkook. Of course.

I made my way to my seat, avoiding all eye contact with him.

As I sat down, I realized that I probably had to thank him. I turned to him and opened my mouth, only for nothing to come out.

Damnit, not again! Why now?!

When he realized that I was trying to talk to him, he chuckled and smiled at me.

That calmed me down a little.

"Th-Thank y-you." I said shyly, turning my head to look back down.

"No need to thank me. That's what friends are for, right?" He ruffled my hair and turned to face the front.

I blushed.

We're... f-friends.



How are you guys? Hope you're doing well. Stay strong. Fighting!


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