Thanatos & Eros 4eva! (11) Round Two- The Dance & Another World

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*Trumpets/drum roll* Chapter Eleven :D

3mo pRincess  




Hermes' POV

"I will win! I'm going to win!" Eros was really angry; I was trying to think of a way to calm her down.

"Got it!" Eros stared at me, confused. "C'mon we're going on a trip. Change into your fight uniform."


"You'll see" I was going to take her to the mortal world.

Thanatos' POV

"You don't get it Dragon!"

"Yes I do." She snapped defensive.

"You don't. You don't get anything!" I didn't care anymore she doesn't understand! No one does, not even me! I was so close to... ergh! I didn't want to think  

about it!

"You're really annoying me now Thanatos!" She yelled at me

"I don't care!" I yelled in reply. She suddenly changed and grabbed her sword it was just a blur of fire and she came at me.

Hermes' POV

"Hey, wait. Hermes! We can't! It's banned!" Eros was worried.

"No it's banned for you to go alone because you don't know the correct way, I know the way and I'm taking you with me." I smiled "We're here, you ready?"


"Good. C'mon then." We went through the gate and I smiled as a rush of smells and sounds hit me. I looked around; we had arrived in the place. I smiled "We're here."

"We're in some kind of gym."

"Not just any gym a mortal gym, I'll show you how to use the machines but for now we'll box."

"We'll what?"

"Box, here put these on." I threw her the gloves and put on my gloves. "Just try to punch me, I have to block."

"That's it?" She laughed "Ha! Easy, I'm the most skilled warrior in my class." She went to hit me and I easily ducked it. She tried again and hit my chest I punched back and hit her face; we went on like this for a while. "This is boring; can I kick or even fight properly?"

"Nope. Just punch." She let out a low growl. "How about karate? You can kick and stuff in that."

"Ok!" We had a proper fight after that, and she won!

"Rematch! You cheated!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Excuse me?"

"Huh?" We said together.

"You are a very skilled child." I looked at the guy, he was really tall and wearing a tracksuit. Eros gave him a questioning look. "I'm max I own this place, I also work with some very skilled fighters and I think you could be one."

"No thank you."

"Here I'll test you. Michael!" Some mortal kid came running out.


"I want you to fight her."

"Her? Easy!" He walked up to her and threw a punch but she ducked and kicked his chest he fell to the floor and Eros walked out. I muttered an apology and came running out.

"You ok?"

"Yes, I feel much better." She replied sarcastically.

"Sorry, I thought it would help but then that idiot came out with that stupid mortal."

"Seriously it's fine but I'm upset over something else not this."

"So what is it then?" She was silent. I realised I wasn't going to get an answer from her. "Come on lets go home."

Thanatos' POV

"Well that worked"

"Yeah thanks Dragon, I mean it." We had just fought underworld style with our weapons. We can have them in school but we can only use half their full powers.

*Three days later*

"Ergh, we have Greek next."

"Oh well! At least we have that trip to the mortal world next instead of Myths and Legends." Eros piped up.

"I'm actually excited!"

"Me too! Normally I wouldn't care but we get to buy new stuff that's not for school." The girls walked off talking excitedly about the trip and the luxuries they  

were going to buy. We have this trip monthly and we have to buy school stuff and a few luxuries but nothing much, this time we get to buy whatever we want.  

Logan came up beside me after the girls walked off leaving us two behind. "I don't see the big deal about it; my sister told me that it's probably for a dance."  

"All students to the gym!" Athena shouted we slowly walked towards it. "So as you know next lesson we have a trip to the mortal world but we need you to buy clothes for a dance. We have this dance every year for the second years and now it's your turn. Girls buy dresses, boy's suits. You may leave now." Everyone ran out excited we met Hermes at the gate to the mortal world.

"Ok I'm going with you. You know where to meet up after." He opened the gate and we all went through.

"Ok we're going dress shopping, meet back here in an hour then we can buy mortal food and drinks"

"Yeah sure." Logan and I agreed.

"So where do we go first?"

"There's a suit shop over there lets go look there first I guess." He replied. We went and spent the next hour trying on suits then we met up with the girls and brought our 'luxuries'.

"I can't wait for the dance!"

"Same!" Oh for the love of Zeus! Girl talk!

"Hey Logan we should go I think go meet Hermes now."

"Yeah let's go, see you Dragon and Eros."

"Hmmm? Oh yeah. Bye." They said.

3 weeks later- The dance

"They're late." Logan said checking the time for the thousandth time a few minutes later they arrived. Dragon had a black dress with orange fire flower  

patterns on the top; she really did look like an underworld princess. Eros was wearing a deep red dress that expressed her developing curves she looked amazing. Hang on; I didn't think that, well I hope I didn't. "Wow Dragon you look, just wow!" Logan said breathlessly he was like a love sick puppy with Dragon. "Eros you look amazing to, but in my eyes no goddess can beat mine." Eros awed and Dragon blushed and kissed his cheek I felt sick.

Ten hours later

Logan and Dragon where dancing somewhere and I was sat down bored with Eros. Suddenly Athena came up on the stage and announced the last dance everyone had to dance. "Thanatos. Do you want to dance with me?"

"Yeah, sure." I replied just as Hedone arrived at the table probably about to ask me to dance. We walked to the dance floor just as the music started playing, it was a slow dance. I wrapped my hands around Eros' waist and she put hers around my neck. A few minutes in to the song she looked up at me  

confused. "What's up?"

"Nothing." I looked down at her she was amazingly beautiful. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds under the lights. suddenly I was leaning towards her our lips almost touching.  


*Evil laugh* Cliffhanger! :P I'm so evil :D

3mo pRincess  



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