Chapter 10

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Kihyun got to know his new friends better after hanging out with them in the Lee's café in the afternoon. Turns out Minhyuk and Shujin are siblings, while Jooheon is their cousin.

Shujin is so smart that she actually studies a year ahead than kids of her age. Minhyuk and Jooheon works part time in their family-shared café.

Since Shujin and Jiyeon was late to class, Kihyun offered to help them catch up the notes.

During so, he got to know Jiyeon, who lives with her grandparents here in Yeosu. She says that her parents were both working in a factory in Seoul, and that she lived in Seoul when she was younger.

But something doesn't sound right, Kihyun realized that her wristwatch is from Hyungwon's parents' company. That watch costs at least 230000 Won, and that's a lot for a girl who's parents work in a factory. Kihyun let it passed as he figured out there's a lot of imitated goods here in small towns.

While Shujin went to help her brother, Kihyun initiated a talk with Jiyeon.

"Your watch looks nice. Just like those expensive watches they sell in Seoul."
Jiyeon choked on air and dropped her pen, head shot up facing Kihyun, eyes obviously shouting WHAT THE FUCK.

"Oh my god I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- Here drink some water." Kihyun panicked, how can someone possibily choke on air when they are just sitting and writing.

"It's... It's okay,I'm fine. These watch? They're fake, I've seen them from some...umm...magazine! Then I found them from a watch stall in the... mar, market. Aren't they pretty?"
Jiyeon says with a sheepy smile.

Kihyun recalled that moment on his bed after washing up, now ready to sleep after dinner. Jiyeon sure is weird, she's calm most of the time but panicked just because of a watch.

Jiyeon POV

Why did I panick like that in the cafe, I probably looked stupid.

And why did I even wear this watch dad gave me on my birthday, WHY DID I- ugh

That Kihyun boy, he almost caught me.
I can't let anyone know my identity, or mum will kill me and force me into another oh so cliché arranged blind date, where all the guys are rich but idiotic men who only wants money and sex.

See this is why I keep quiet all the time, I'm scared that I'd blurt out things that doesn't makes sense and blow up my identity.

Good thing Kihyun left after he got a call from his grandmother. I don't even know where to hide my face, maybe dig a hole in the ground or dip my head in the sack of coffee at the café.

Ppappappalgan mat, gunggeumhae honey~~

I jumped out of bed as my phone rings louder, I wonder who's calling me at this hour, it's 8pm and everyone in Yeosu is already in dreamland...


My little baby sister!
How you doing?

Hyungwon! Damn it,
you wouldn't believe
what happened today.
I almost got caught!

How? I thought everyone
knows you as Jiyeon the
girl who lives without her
parents in Yeosu.

There's this new kid from
Busan, he saw my watch
that dad gave me on my
birthday. I choked on air!

Aish, but you covered
it well with a fake story

Yes, but still...

It's fine, trust me,
you won't get caught,
nobody in the world
knows that you're my sister
and our parents' princess.
Go sleep now, it's late.
Goodnight baby sis!

Hmmp, goodnight.
And I'm not a baby
anymore, bye!

Gotta sleep and wake up early tomorrow, Mr Jung is bringing us to another college in Daegu tomorrow for an event!

A/N : School sucks
Anyways, I feel like I'm gonna rush the story line cause
1) it's too stretchy
2) nobody reads except 3 people(I think
3) I'm busy with school
4) I'm lazy heheheheh

Anyways, hope you guys like this chapter. I'll try to update asap! ❤️

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