I won't Fall

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Your lips, 

trying to feel it

When I’m alone 

All by myself 

Imitating your moves

How it gives me chills

And sparks 

I’m trippin’ now

All because of your lips

Your touch

How it felt

Your hands 

How it caresses me

That caress

How it sends peace inside

Your eyes 

The sincerity in it

Imagining you

In many ways

In this four cornered room

Those arms

Encircling me

When it get the chance

Those stares

Even when I try 

Not to stare back

My body


Acting naturally

Cant seem to hold back

Looking at nowhere

Then, I see you

You got me bad

When I close my eyes

You lingers

At the back of my mind

You don’t know 

How much You affects me

My guilty pleasure

I want to go away

………But I want you near me

Embracing you

Leaning on your shoulder

The comfort it gives

I am addicted

How not to want you

The force you had

The best one I dealt with

But I won’t call it love

You will not know 

How I swiftly fell

…….At least not out loud

_July 15, 2014_

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