Good day turned to bad day

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“Oh god!”

“Ally…I know this is big. But we can get through this.” Logan said grabbing my hand.

“I just can’t believe I will be a mother so soon.” I said.

“Yes I understand. If you don’t want to keep the baby.” Logan half sobbed.

He stood up and went to the closet window.  I could barely make out the small tears falling out of his eyes.

“Logan? What is wrong?”

He didn’t speak or even talk. He looked at me and I saw his red eyes.

“I..I just can’t th..think about kil-killing my pup. It hurts me…but if you don’t want it…I won’t force you.” Logan sobbed.

I gasped and my eyes widened as I looked at him, He thought I would kill me baby? Why would I? Yeah I’m not ready to become a mom. But that doesn’t mean I want to kill my baby!

“Logan what are you talking about? I would never kill my pup!” I yelled.

Logan stopped crying and looked at me.

“But..But you said you-“

“That could believe I would be a bother to soon? Yeah that doesn’t mean I’ll kill my own pup! It’s a part of me…and a part of you. Something we made together and-“

“ALLY” I heard Henry’s voice call out. “SAM TROY ALLY IS AWAKE”

I heard the running of feet coming my way. Then came in the two I knew where Troy and Sam. But they didn’t look like they did before. They weren’t covered in dirt as they use to be. I looked and saw Henry was the same. They were all clean shaven and wearing what looked like the guards comfortable off-duty uniform. The royal symbol was clear on their chests.

They all came around my bed. Troy pushing an angry Logan out of the way. Wait when did he move back to the bed? But that made him even more mad.

“Troy you are lucky I allowed you to become a guard instead of a stable hand.” Logan growled. “So don’t push it!”

Logan pushed Troy more down the bed. I heard a faint growl come from Troy.

“Wait, are you all guards?” I asked looking at them all.

The nodded and smiled.

“Well, we are your guards to be correct.” Troy said.

Logan hissed at this.

“I’m still not sure he should be one of her guards.” He hissed.

“He will be fine…”

I looked at them all…my family was growing…

“But we all know I’m the boss!” Sam laughed.

Logan smiled at that. After that everything was creepy quiet.

“So…when do I get to get out?”

“Um…I guess since you are awake when you want but…” Logan said frowning.

I smiled and got up. Though it toke me a couple of times to do so! Stupid big pregnant belly…Logan was at my side helping me up.

“I guess it will take me awhile to get use to the belly.” I joked.

Everyone smiled.


2 months later


The last Two months have been some of the best in my life. I was about two and a half months due. I had a huge belly. I didn’t know if it was a boy or a girl but I didn’t care. Logan and I couldn’t be more in love. Although he is spending a lot of time practicing with Sam. He said he to train more and more to be able to protect his family more. He was even more possessive than ever. I always had someone with me at all times everywhere if he wasn’t with me. But lately he has been gone more and more. So has Troy I haven’t seen much of him lately. But I had more important things right now to worry about.

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