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Chapter 821: Time To See The Three Perverts
Translator: Lam_ Editor: Hitesh_

As the saying went, 'One should not air their dirty linens out in public.' The God of the Ancestor Dragon did not want this issue to be made known to too many members of the Colossal Dragon race.

He needed some time to digest this sudden revelation. After all, in his opinion, something like this was way unexpected. As the God of the Ancestor Dragon, how could his own son be this ugly?

If say, he were to look like a Phoenix, then so be it. But, the main point was that he was WORLDS APART from looking like a Phoenix. If he were to look like a Colossal Dragon, then so be it. But from head to toe, he didn't even have a single trait of his that looked like a Colossal Dargon.


Chicky laid in the embrace of this woman and crowed lowly as though he was reminiscing about his past right now. However, he had not forgotten the deal he made with his Old Bro.

'This show must carry on!'

Zi Feng fondled Chicky's head endearingly and turned her gaze towards Lin Fan, "My gratitude for bringing my child back to me."

Zi Feng knew that her child was in the Xuanhuang World. The fact that he was able to make it back here wasn't something that she had imagined.

Initially, she was afraid that she might not ever get the chance to see Chicky at all in her entire life. But now that she was able to do so, she was naturally elated.

As for the God of the Ancestor Dragon, back when he had to pull Zi Feng back from the Xuanhuang World, he paid a terribly high price for it as well.

Lin Fan chuckled out calmly, "You don't have to thank me. I've known Chicky for such a long time now. It's only natural for me to help him seek his kin. That's part of my duties."

"Chicky? My son's name is Chicky?" The moment Zi Feng heard this name, her brows furrowed. She felt that this name was absolutely atrocious!


Chicky crowed out softly, indicating that he loved this name.

"Since my son loves it, we'll keep it like that then." Seeing how happy her son was over that name, Zi Feng naturally did not harp on it.

For Zi Feng, the fact that she was able to meet with her son right now was already a joyous event worthy of celebrations. How could she be bothered with so many other things?

However, for God of the Ancestor Dragon, this was quite an unbearable thing. As the son of the God of the Ancestor Dragon, how could he have a name as such? Wasn't this just an embarrassment!

But, given the current situation, this didn't seem like something he could decide on anyways. By the looks of it, he might just be whacked up by everyone around if he had dared to say 'No'.

"Back down." God of the Ancestor Dragon swept his robes, indicating for everyone else to leave. This affair here was his family affair. He did not want to be observed by so many of his fellow race.

As for the Colossal Dragon race members, they could tell that this matter had just gotten complicated.

That living being that looked like a chicken was actually the descendant of the God of the Ancestor Dragon? If word of this were to get out, who in the world would believe this?

"Zi Feng, let us head back and talk this through slowly." God of the Ancestor Dragon said with a tender and warm tone.

The impact of this matter today was pretty severe for the God of the Ancestor Dragon. He wasn't prepared at all. Now that he had a child that came knocking on his doorsteps, he did not know what to do for a moment.

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