a/n hey guys sorry that the last part was only half of this chapter but I really wanted d to get it out before I started d school!! and I've finished my first two days and I have this. weekend off and go back again on Monday!!! and I have a meeting then aswell!! also one part I do like is that I have every lesson with one off my best friends!! anyway I don't think that u want me blabbing on any more so let's get on with the story!!! xxxxxxx
cats pov:
after me and Emily got in the car I remembered that I promised my little sis, ally, that I would play some video games with her today but I can't, so what should I tell her??? I Dunno but I'll call her....
*start of the call*
a. Hello?
c. hey ally, u no I said I would spend some time with u playing video game with u....... today...
a. yeah....what's the excuse this time ay????
c. well, I'm showing David ur favourite game, Minecraft, today. so I promise, and I mean PROMISE, I'll pick u up tomorrow at midday and bring u round David's and we'll play games on his Xbox together!! what u think???
a. that sound really good actually!!! but remember and DON'T make any other plans.... OK???
c. I promise.... and I'll see u tomorrow k?
a. k, love you bye.
c. byeeeeeeeeee!!
*ends the call*
"right that's ally sorted out, now time to actually get to Squids house." I say. "come on hurry up I can't wait to meet him!!! " em says. (a/n cats nickname for Emily is em) " OK, OK.... we're nearly there , look see that blue house there???" I ask. " yeah, is that his house? " she replies. " yes. and I need to park. ..... the only space is right there and that means to try and squish in." " and what's wrong with that??" em asks. " it's quite hard and it takes a few more minutes than parking in a normal space!!" I say, annoyed that that is the only space here first me to park.
suddenly there is a loud bang and a massive scream that comes from Emily, so I look over after her and the window behind her is smashed and she is unconscious with blood staining her hair and running down her face.
I amediatly call 999 and say what has happened and they say there will brown an ambulance soon Andrey cut off. I start crying and hold Emily as squid runs out and sees me in my car with Emily unconscious ajd runs over to me and tries time calm me down but it doesn't work. it only makes me cry more and I start time scream first her to wake up.
as the ambulance appears out of nowhere, the paramedics open the door and put her on the weird beds they have and tell me I have to come with them first her support but squid has to girl to the hospital on his own.
I fear for her life
a/n hey guys..... again..... so u weren't expecting anything like that to happen was yah? no, so yes I already no that you'll be shouting at me in the comments for this, but I just thought that this story needed a bit of drama. so anyway , the next update will be in Emily's pov an d how it happened and what she felt like, but yeah comment if u would like me to update sooner and faster than I am but I do have a little bit of writers block. and if u have any ideas then comment them or private message me, also I do need a doctor for the next part too, but it needs to be male so if u could either comment that or private message me that would be grateful. and thank you all so much for all the comments views and votes, carry on plz!!! :)
anyways, bbbbyyyyyeeeee!!!! luv yah!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx