chapter 1☼

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Kitty Drage was looking out of the window as the car they were currently seated in drove past houses and buildings in the town of Warcester. Kitty was supposed to be living in Warcester with their aunt and uncle, plus their 4 older cousins. They were going to enroll at the private school that was in the next town over, but since where Kitty's aunt and uncle lived in Warcester, which was in close proximity to their school, Kitty's parents agreed to let them stay there until the end of Kitty's enrollment at what Kitty would consider their new school for a while.

Soon the car came to an end and both their parents got out of the car, leaving Kitty alone before they decided to get out as well, looking at their parents. Their mother gave them a light smile and waved them over to kiss them goodbye. A slight red lipstick was left on their forehead and their mother quickly laughed before wiping it away. Their aunt, Joni, raised her hand, giving a small wave before commenting that how Kitty was bigger than they were last time she had seen them.

«Come on darling, we don't have much time, I promised I would have you at Bullworth by 12 so you could get lots of time to unpack, meet your roommates and even get to your last class, or technically first.» Joni waved Kitty over to follow her to the car and Kity jogged over to her. Joni went and opened the car, letting Kitty take a seat in the Toyota Camry. Kitty took in the sights of the town of Bullworth. It seemed like a busy town where lots of people knew of each other and know where every store and house were. People were walking through the streets.

«Kitty, why are you so quiet? You okay back there?» Kitty turned away from the window and towards aunt Joni. Kitty let out a sigh. They were excited, they didn't miss anyone from Norway, but many thoughts ran through their head. What if people were nasty to them? What if they got bullied for their voice and how they would pronounce certain words? What if they looked weird compared to American students? They shook their head before answering. «I'm alright, just a bit tired.»

The rest of the car ride was silent and soon Kitty got out of the vehicle and grabbed their bag. «Do you want me to come with you in to the school? Help you with getting your things inside?» Kitty jolted up from their seat and shook their head quickly, before stepping away from the car and said their goodbyes to their aunt, who was driving by slowly, waving to them with a bit too much excitement.

At a quick pace, Kitty was walking through the gates of the academy and towards the center of the paths to what they assumed were the dorms, on each side of the path. Not that far away from them, a small group of boys were harassing a boy.

Seeing how the boy was being pushed around, which looked to be a quite annoying experience for the male, gave Kitty a doze of bravery and confidence, making them walk towards the boys. «Hey, leave him be.» They told, making direct eye contact with 2 of them.

«Oh look, the psychopath has a girlfriend.» One of them spoke, making Kitty feel a strange bit annoyed and furious. Not only was it because they didn't know the 'psychopath' in question, but they were bringing them into this. The two boys were still bothering the annoyed make and messed up his hair. «I said leave him be. Or, I uh, or I'll get an adult. Or I will fight you!» The two boys laughed, Kitty standing their ground as they gave their best glare.

One of the boys walked towards them and they gulped for air, their knees shaking underneath them. Without thinking, Kitty started running towards him, ready to pounce onto him, like an excited pet, the difference between Kitty and an excited pet is that Kitty was far from excited and acting out of sheer fear.

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