Chapter 32

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Harry's POV 

I see Jill in the bathtub. There's blood everywhere.

"Jill!" I go closer to her. Im terrified

Her wrists are bleeding. 

"God damn it Jill! Why did you do this?"

"Harry!" I hear her barely speaking 

"What you've done Jill?" I try not to cry 

"Let me die Harry" 

"Are you crazy? I will call 911. Stay here" 

After 15min. the ambulance comes. I tried to keep her in consciousness. They put her on the stretcher and carry her to the ambulance car. I drive right after them. When we arrive the go in the surgery hall and I sit in the sitting room. 

Jen's POV 

We're in the backstage. Sarah is wearing her costume as I help her. Leah, Georgia and Charlie are sitting in the audience.

"Look if mom and dad are here" she please me for 10th time 

"If they are here Harry would call me" I make her hair 

"But- They will miss my part" she makes the puppy eyes in the mirror 

"Sarah Kate, it's time!" we heard her teacher

I hug her as she sighs

"Go and do your best. I will call Harry" 

Harry's POV 

It's been 20min and it feels like 20years. Sigh

My phone rings 

"Damn Jen" I throw the phone next to me on the couch. Then pick it up


"Harry? Where the heck are you? Sarah is on the stage already" 

"Shit!" " Jen, Im in the hospital" 

"WHAT? What happened? Are  you okay Harry?" 

"Y-yes. Just-" 

The doctor comes to me

"Harry Connick Junior?" 

I put my phone down still tuned with Jennifer

"Yes? What happened? How is she?"

"Im sorry Sir. We lost her"

Lost her

Lost her

Lost her

I drop the phone.

Jill is gone

"Sir, are you okay?"

I throw all the magazines on the coffee table. I scream

Jill is gone

"Harry!?" I hear Jennifer through the phone

Jen's POV 

What the fuck is happening there? Im worried as fuck.

I text Leah.

"Come y'all in the backstage"

'Why? Here we have perfect view. Charlie is cute"

"Leah Remini! Come in the backstage! This is Sarah, bitch. Charlie is sitting next to you" 

A pregnant woman gets mad very quickly

They come at the same time as Sarah comes from the stage

"You were great baby!" I hug and kiss her

"Where are mom and dad" 

"Yeah Jen, why they coudnt make it"  Georgia asks 

"I called him and he said he is the hospital. I tried to call him several times but he doesnt answer. Im freaked" 

Harry's POV 

The nurse gave me meds that calmed me down. Im devasted. My ex-wife for 20 years just died. She's gone. Forever. 

As I was thinking over Jill I remembered. Jennifer!

I call her. She answer at the minute.

"God damn Harry! What happened to you?" 

"She's dead Jen" I said with no emotions

"What? We're coming" 

"Dont bring the kids. Just Georgia"

"Okay, send me the address"

Harry's POV 

After 30min Jen, Georgia and Leah come. 

Georgia is crying

When she saw me she run to me and hugged me thigh 

"Daddy!" she cries in my chest

"Baby girl" I strock her hair 

Jen and Leah reached us and I let go of Georgia so that I can hug Jen.

"Stay strong" she wispers in my ear. 

This calmed me down somehow

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