Chapter 15: Life as We Know It

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Sophia was now a month old the transition between two houses hadn't been as hard as Rory was expecting. Finn had to go out of town a couple days after Sophia was born and wasn't due home for another week, Rory and him were texting and talking on the phone daily although neither of them had addressed the kiss from the night Rory and Sophia came home. Logan and Odette had gotten into a routine when Sophia was there and they didn't really know what to do with themselves when she wasn't. "Logan, what if we start looking into adoption or surrogacy?" Odette asked as they sat in their quiet livingroom. "I thought you wanted to wait?" Logan asked curiously. "Well I hear both processes take time, and honestly I thought I wanted to wait too, but when Soph isn't here I'm lost." Odette admitted. "Well let's think of adoption as a last resort, lets look into the surrogacy first, actually funny enough I know someone." Logan laughed thinking about going to Paris Geller of all people. "Thank you Logan." Odette smiled. "Of course besides I'm kind of lost when Soph isn't here too." He admitted.
"So you'll be home early?"Rory asked Finn on the phone as she changed Sophia's diaper. "Yes love I'll be home tomorrow, how about dinner after Soph goes to Logans?" He asked. "That sounds fantastic." Rory admitted. "Well then it's a date kitten." Finn said a smile evident in his voice.
Rory got Sophia dressed after she hung up her phone so that they could head to Stars Hollow for the day. Taylor was doing a crazy days of summer mini festival every weekend of the summer this year. Her phone rang just as she buckled Soph into her seat. "Hello?" She answered without looking.  "Hey Ace what are you and Soph up to today?" Logan asked. "Going to Stars Hollow for crazy days of summer." Rory said laughing at Sophia who was blowing spit bubbles. "Another crazy Taylor thing?" He asked sounding giddy.  "Yes did you and Odette want to join us?" She asked remembering how enthralled Logan was by Taylor. "Actually we wanted to talk to you about something and I'd love to show Odette Stars Hollow." he said sounding like a kid at Christmas. "Well meet us at the Dragonfly." Rory smiled. Thirty minutes later Logan and Odette pulled up to the Dragonfly. Rory and Sophia met them at their car. "You ready for some fun?" Rory asked laughing. "Logan says Taylor is a genious." Odette smiled. "Or in the starting stage of Dementia one of the two." Rory laughed. "Oh come on the man is legend." Logan joined in to the banter. "So we can just walk back into town and on the way you can talk to me." Rory smiled at them. As they walked Logan began. "So, we have noticed when Sophia is at your place we are lost without her. We know we're allowed to come see her anytime, and we know when you go back to work Odette will be watching her, but we just were thinking about adding a sibling for her." Logan said. "Oh, that's, wow." Rory stumbled on her words. "You see I didn't think I'd want kids so soon, but Sophia won my heart." Odette smiled. "So we wanted to ask your opinion, we dont want you to think we're replacing Soph." Logan said. "Honestly I think it's a great idea. I assume you'll need a surrogate you guys should talk to Paris." Rory offered. "Really?" Both Odette and Logan said together. "Yes, really. Look I meant what I said I'm really happy for you guys and I will help in any way I can." Rory said with a genuine smile.
They spent the rest of the day walking the festival and playing games, it was a perfect 1st outing for Sophia.

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