Chapter 5 Earth and Restoration

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Angel flew through the air with Alice in tow. Alice managed to convince Angel to land near an oasis so they could take a break. Angel then made a small campfire as they sat down.

"Alice now you stay here I will go hunting" Angel said as he made his scythe appear.

"That isn't necessary I don't need to eat". "After all I can't die so I don't need to eat" Alice said.

"I don't need a guide who is about to collapse and die on me". "I will return" Angel said as he went off from the oasis with his scythe ready.

He then left leaving Alice with the campfire that gave her a little light from the darkened sky. A few hours has passed as Alice waited then she heard the sound of footsteps along with the sound of dragging. She then noticed Angel dragging a large chunk of flesh with skin on it with his scythe. He then sat down began to take of the skin much to Alice disgust. After he removed the skin he began to toast the meat on the campfire.

"What are you doing" Alice asked.

"I am cooking the meat". "It allows it to be easier for consumption" Angel said.

After about a few minutes of cooking Angel removed the meat and gave Alice.

"Eat" Angel demanded.

"I don't need to eat Angel" Alice said.

"Eat up or I will shove it down your throat" Angel said angrily.

Alice flinched in fear and looked at the cooked meat. She then looked at Angel who was eating himself. She then grabbed the meat and began to eat. She was surprised by how good it was and it had been ages since she ate anything. She then started to indulge herself. Angel then unexpectedly cracked a smile, but shook it off when he realized what he was doing. After a while Alice was sound asleep with a belly full. Angel sat awake as he thought about the future.

He wasn't sure what to do especially after he awoken the other nine temples. Even more so since he couldn't use the element of water anymore. If he lost the control of water to the temple then when he finishes he will be just a simple human, not an immortal anymore. The crack caught his attention. He looked around until he saw a small creature walking towards him. In better detail he saw it was a baby t-rex. The t-rex had a large x scar on its chest and looked like it hadn't eaten in days. Angel thought about shooing it away, but a new feeling emerge from him.

The baby t-rex sniffed the meat and was drooling, but was too scared to venture further. Then a piece of meat was thrown at its feet much to its delight. It began to eat as it looked at Angel. Angel had some leftover meat and tossed it at the baby t-rex as it at it with delight. After it finished it went to Angel with squeal of happiness. It then looked at Angel as it waged it tail. Angel then went to go pet the t-rex, but flinched when he felt something unusual. He looked at his hand and was surprised to see white finger tips.

It was weird because he was fully corrupted and lost his humanity, but now he felt the skin of a baby t-rex. He wondered if he could become human by helping this t-rex, but quickly shrugged it off as he tried to shoo the baby t-rex away. After what looked like he successes he went to sleep not knowing that baby t-rex slowly creeping back. It then laid near Angel but not close enough for him to know. Even though the sky was still dark morning came as Angel woke up.

"Finally I am up" Angel said as he looked around. He saw the baby t-rex, and thought "Why is it still here".

Angel then went to Alice and whacked her on the head.

"Ow what the" Alice said as she woke up in pain.

"Time to go Alice" Angel said as he picked her up.

"But wait" Alice complain.

Angel immediately took to the air as the baby t-rex woke up itself. It squeaked at Angel catching Alice attention.

"Angel why is there a baby t-rex following us" Alice asked.

"It's nothing" Angel said as he flew faster.

The baby t-rex stopped as it lost sight of Angel. Then the sound of very large footprints caught its attention as a large mechanical paw almost stepped on it.

"Well then just here for only a few days and already the information is becoming savory" Defiance said as it looked at the baby t-rex.

"You will make this more interesting little lizard" Defiance said as she grabbed the baby t-rex with her paw.

Meanwhile Angel managed to get to the temple of earth which was in a massive canyon. Alice manage to point out where the entrance was as Angel landed.

"You stay here I will handle the temple" Angel said. "This isn't the temple of earth I am pretty sure I can't drown Angel" Alice said as she tried to follow Angel.

"Do remember the deal human". "You show me where the temples are and I activate them". "Anything more and I will kill you" Angel said as he entered the temple.

Alice wanted to oppose otherwise, but knew Angel would kill her so she stayed silent. Angel entered the temple as he made a small fire in his hand so he could see where he was going. He eventually got to a large area with holes leading everywhere.

"I really don't have the patience for this" Angel said.

Then by using the power of wind he flew into the first tunnel in front of him. He flew as fast as he could following the tunnels. The tunnels led back to the main room, but with the speed he was going it didn't really matter. It eventually got to the point where he was going so fast that when he returned to the main room he slammed right into the floor with such a force that he went right through the floor. He crashed into another room which ironically had the throne in which Angel was looking for. Due to his dark powers that engulfed him he didn't receive any pain or injury.

"Well it seems I went a bit too fast". "Well regardless time to awaken the temple" Angel thought as he got up went to the throne.

He sat down on the throne and began to activate his earth powers. As the power of earth activated the temple it sent a pulse that purified the ground. Alice who was outside notice sapling coming out of the ground and a tree beginning to sprout leaves and an apple. Alice went to the tree a plucked the apple. She wondered what it was and took a bite. She was surprised on how good it was and was ready to take another bite, but a massive shadow loomed over her. Alice turned around in fear as she dropped her apple in fear of what she saw.

After the pulse faded with the light Angel took a moment to catch his breath. Then the ground trembled as something pushed the throne up to the outside with Angel on it. Angel reached the outside as he got up. Then he felt a rumbling as all the rocks in the surrounding area began to roll past him and come together in front of him. As the rocks came together they began to form a being.

"A golem I guess that is to be expected from the earth temple" Angel said as the golem roared.

Angel made his scythe appear as he got ready to do battle. Before he could do anything the golem was crushed by a massive tail.

"As much as I wish to see you battle style I find it best to experience it first-hand" a voice said.

"That voice" Angel thought as he looked up.

"Especially if it is the immortal" Defiance said as she laid on the cliff.

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